how to tell if a guy likes you

How to tell if a Guy likes You – 7 surefire Signs he does!

How to tell if a Guy likes You?!

There are so many – at times ambiguous, sometimes blatantly obvious – ways to tell if a guy likes you. Because each man may show his affection differently, the old-age question of how to tell if a guy likes you still baffles most of us. A man who only wants you as a friend may also act like he likes you romantically. It can be confusing and frustrating to think there’s something more between the two of you, when in reality it’s just a passing fancy.

how to tell if a guy likes you

Let our list here be your guide, but take it with a grain of salt. The actuality will still depend on your situation and the type of guy you’re interested in.

Most men are good flirts, and you should not mistake a little flattery as any kind of serious interest. The shy guys would also be hard to read.

So if you’re pulling your hair out because of all the mixed signals you’re getting, look for the following signs to figure out of how to tell if a guy likes you:

  1. He initiates Conversations

  2. He goes out of his Way for you

  3. You sense a little Jealousy when you’re with other Guys

  4. The Guy in Question acts differently when you’re around

  5. He asks you a lot of Things and remembers little Details about you

  6. He compliments your Looks

  7. He’ll find Ways to let you know

1. He initiates Conversations

It’s the first phase in finding out if a guy likes you and something that’s hard to ignore. He will constantly look for ways to strike up a conversation. He’ll be the first one to talk to you at the party. He will make excuses to talk to you by asking for things he didn’t actually need to ask.

On the other hand, if he doesn’t show you that he’s interested in talking to you or if he cuts every conversation short, then quickly looks for the exit, then he’s probably not into you.

Also read: How to make a Guy fall in Love with you – Advice

2. He goes out of his Way for you

A guy who likes you will make you a part of his priority list. He will let you know about his day and would go out of his way to help you out and do any favors for you. He may cancel a hangout with his friends just to be with you. In short, he would want to make you feel that you’re important and his actions will show that he wants to make you happy.

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Check out this free video here to get him ‘addicted’ to you immediately!

3. You sense a little Jealousy when you’re with other Guys

If he only likes you as a friend, he doesn’t mind seeing you around with other men. A guy who likes you would be concerned when you’re hanging out with other guys, sometimes even with your guy friends. He will say he’s just being protective, but you know better. Sometimes he feels a little jealous because he’s still not sure about the position he has in your life.

4. The Guy in Question acts differently when you’re around

Think of a generally goofy, talkative guy that turns quiet when you’re around. You’ll notice him thinking first about what he’s going to say before he opens his mouth. A man who likes you would always want to impress you, and would be a little careful not to say awkward things when you’re around.

5. He asks you a lot of Things and remembers little Details about you

Expect him to talk about himself when he’s trying to impress you. But a man who really likes you, would want to know every insignificant detail about you. He will ask about your past relationships, childhood memories, where you went to school, things you want to accomplish – even those you find weird to talk about.

At one instance, he would then mention some of the things you have talked about and you’d be surprised by how much he remembered the little details you think are unimportant – that guy is surely smitten by you.

6. He compliments your Looks

It’s a no-brainer; when we are attracted to someone, more than half of that attraction comes from the way they look. Much more to men because they are such visual creatures. If we like what we see, we always think about it. We also can’t help not to talk about it. It’s a man’s way of letting you know that he notices you and that he wants to make you feel good. You have to differentiate this though from a close friend who’s just trying to be nice.

7. He’ll find Ways to let you know

Of course, if a guy really likes you, you don’t even have to ask. It will just be too obvious. You don’t have to worry about finding out how to tell if a guy likes you. He will tell you and he will ask you out. If you’ve been waiting for a sign from this guy, and it’s taking a long time to even get the slightest clue, chances are he’s probably not into you. He’s not making a move because he’s not interested. It’s as simple as that.

Read more: How You Can Get a Man to Marry You