how to keep your man happy

How to keep a Man happy – for a better Relationship

How to keep a Man happy – nurturing a happy and lasting Relationship

We are all complex individuals with different needs and expectations from our relationships. Sometimes it feels like men are hard to decode, but just like women, they want love and intimacy. Understanding what makes a man happy and ultimately also how to keep a man happy will help a great deal in nurturing a happy and lasting relationship.

how to keep a man happyOur following general guidelines on the question of “how to keep a man happy” can’t guarantee that your love will last, for you can’t force someone who doesn’t want to stay.

But they will definitely help you identify if you’re contributing in making a healthy relationship or if you’re only making it worse.

  1. Shower him with Praises

  2. Stop being a Control-Freak

  3. Nagging is not an effective Way of communicating

  4. Unreasonable Jealousy is your one-way Ticket to Singledom

  5. Your Mother was right when she said, “You can’t change a Man!”

  6. Keep the Passion alive

1. Shower him with Praises

One of the best relationship advice for women when it comes to answering the question of how to keep a man happy, is to actually frequently make your man a few good compliments. Good compliments can rev up your man like a well-oiled machine. They boost their self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves, and as a result, men are more likely to treat you better to validate your appreciation. Not that you should expect something in return. Give honest praises and you’ll see them smiling from ear to ear. Make them feel that you are perceptive of their efforts, and that you’re not just focusing on their shortcomings.

2. Stop being a Control-Freak

Leave that to his mother. If you’re dating an adult, then he’s fully capable of managing his own life. It’s not your job to control every situation in the relationship. Dealing with a controlling person is stressful and draining.

Women tend to become control freaks when they are afraid that things would fall apart or that they would lose the people they love. When you start to act like this, check if there are actually any valid reasons for such worries. Relax and enjoy some time alone. You do need to drop that little miss perfect hat and just enjoy the ride.

3. Nagging is not an effective Way of communicating

It is a negative stereotype that women are naggers. So, you also need to be aware if you are indeed nagging or if your man is just saying so to trivialize your request. Nagging leads to nothing because the more you nag, the more they refuse to listen. Remember, you are trying to understand how to keep a man happy – nagging is on of the best and fastest way to make him be unhappy!

However, if there’s nothing wrong with the way you communicate and you’re still not getting a good response from your partner, then you probably need to rethink your relationship.

4. Unreasonable Jealousy is your one-way Ticket to Singledom

A little jealousy can be quite healthy; some evolutionary psychologists would suggest that jealousy helps us keep our partners because we become more aware of potential threats to the relationship. Moreover, if a person doesn’t get jealous of a rival even if he has obvious reasons to, then he may not be really invested in the relationship.

On the other hand, unreasonable jealousy is unhealthy. If you are chronically accusing your partner of baseless suspicions, confront every women that gets close to him, and everything you do just pushes him further away, then that is the kind of jealousy you should avoid.

5. Your Mother was right when she said, “You can’t change a Man!”

The worst assumption most women make is that they can change a man. Unless they get into a spiritual awakening or experience some sort of epiphany, a man’s character traits can’t be changed. It doesn’t mean you can’t help in improving their attitude or personality, but be wary of the red flags when you just started dating. Some traits are just so deeply ingrained in them; like an armor that’s tough to crack.

Your man is his own individual, which means you can’t mold him to your idea of a perfect man. You may find that some of his habits are annoying, but you need to be aware that you have your own set of quirks and negative traits. Let him part his hair to the right for crying out loud! As long as he is not hurting you (emotionally and physically) or himself, tolerate it or move on.

6. Keep the Passion alive

You are interested in learning how to make a guy fall in love with you? Intimacy doesn’t only mean sex, although the latter is also very important. Men are stereotyped to have only one thing in mind – sex. The truth is, they also crave for a deeper connection. Non-sexual touching, flirting, or just spending a lazy Saturday afternoon streaming your favorite TV shows can help in not letting the novelty wear off.

Always find a way to spend time together. Surprise each other with spontaneous date night ideas. Routine is part of any relationship, but it doesn’t have to be boring. As a matter of fact, being spontaneous can be one of the biggest turn ons for guys, be it with an “innocent” suggestion like grabbing a bite to eat or catching his favorite movie on Netflix, or be it when women are spontaneous when it comes to being intimate.

A healthy relationship is when both of you are happy and satisfied; love him deeply, but don’t sacrifice your own happiness to make him stay. If you’re with a man who knows how to treat you right, then he deserves all the pampering and attention you can give.