how to get him to propose

How to Get Him to Propose – Top 5 Psychological Tricks that work

How to Get Him to Propose – From Unsure to Proposing in no time

The future seems bleak for all the single ladies out there. Despite the popular study about the health-boosting benefits of marriage, the percentage of men who want to tie the knot has been decreasing in the past ten years, according to most recent marriage and divorce research data.

In fact, the number of unmarried U.S. adults since 2007 has jumped from 39% to 42%.

We know that most men are averse to marriage compared to women, but the rate of men choosing to wed is even more declining in this generation. how to get him to propose engagement ring image

While this screams bad news from an economic and social standpoint, not all hope is lost in getting a marriage proposal. Recent survey data shows that the number of young singles who are “never married and do not want to get married” is significantly lower than those who are “never married and want to get married.”

Overall, the survey shows, most women in the U.S. favor marriage over being single, but its importance has dropped.

So, there’s still a chance that your man is interested in saying I do, even if he hasn’t put a ring on your finger yet.

Getting your man to propose, of course, is entirely up to him. You can’t force someone who is hell-bent in not marrying, but there are several reasons why some men postpone marriage indefinitely.

Understanding these reasons and learning what marriage means to both of you is an important step in upgrading your relationship. Here’s what you should do (and what not!) to get him to propose.

  1. Do not issue an Ultimatum

  2. Understand what Marriage means to Him

  3. Give him Signals, but don’t overdo it

  4. Don’t be so obsessed about Marriage

1. Do not issue an Ultimatum

I know some men who would run at the first hint of marriage. Relationship ultimatums is not entirely taboo, but it could be a death wish if you’re dating a reluctant man. Although it’s possible to get someone to commit by serving him an ultimatum, that person will eventually feel resentful for being pressured into doing something he doesn’t want to do (yet). By creating ultimatums, you are turning your relationship into a power struggle—asserting that the power is in your hands. Being stripped of his power is never good for the male ego.

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2. Understand what Marriage means to Him

Take the case of Lissa and Jun. Lissa believes that marriage is the ultimate proof of someone’s love. It’s a sign that the person really want to spend his lifetime with you. On the other hand, Jun believes that marriage is just a social construct that is unfair to men. Mainly because the dangers of divorce carries the risk of losing his kids and his money. The beliefs we have when we were young may change, as we get older and more mature. As your understanding of matrimony deepens throughout the course of your relationship, you can reconsider if marriage is what you really need in your life.

What should you do if your boyfriend says he loves you, but he doesn’t want to get married EVER?

First, respect his belief. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to get married. Lying is bad. Cheating is bad. Leading you on is cruel. But a man who outright tells you he’s not the marrying type should not be despised for his honesty. The next thing to do is assess if marriage is more important to you than your relationship. If you can’t imagine being with a man who’s not entirely sold on the idea of a wedding bliss, then it’s time to move on and find someone who does.

3. Give him Signals, but don’t overdo it

One of the reasons why men can’t propose to a woman is because they’re not yet financially capable. Engagement rings aside, men knows the cost of marriage and having a family. A great deal of men who are reluctant to get married think that the ceremony itself is too lavish and expensive, and they are not sure if they can be a great provider in the long haul. Give him subtle hints on the type of wedding you want. If a simple, intimate celebration works for you, let him know. Tell him that you’re willing to work hard as his partner in keeping your family together. Sometimes a man just needs to know that she’s marrying a woman who will stay with him, for better or worse, in sickness and in unemployment. This will hopefully lessen his fears and insecurities about family life.

4. Don’t be so obsessed about Marriage

Some women want to be married; some want to have a wedding. The problem with women who put more importance in the ceremony than the union itself is they often have an unrealistic expectation of what a perfect wedding should be like. In return, men are pressured to provide the wedding their woman deserves—just to prove their love. Preparing for the “perfect” wedding may take years, and who knows when they would suddenly feel unenthusiastic in trying to meet your expectations? You should think about the signals you’re sending to your boyfriend. It could be the reason why he can’t go down on his knees all these years. There are also men who will find your constant obsession with getting married as a sign of being needy or desperate. Simply put, it turns them off.

So, instead of scattering bridal magazines on his table, why not try to keep yourself busy. Get a makeover. Go out with your friends often. Engage in self-enriching hobbies to get your mind of the diamond ring you are not getting. Taking care of yourself makes you more attractive to your man. If he sees you as the “best thing that ever happened to him,” it’s impossible for him not to turn you into Mrs. His.

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