How to Respond to an

How to Respond to an Ex-Boyfriend Text

How to Respond to an Ex-Boyfriend Text

Responding to an ex-boyfriend’s text can make you nervous, but here are some tips!

After all, he went to the effort of contacting you. However, your mind is most likely working overtime, attempting to determine how to react to an ex who has got you and seems to want you back.

It can be a very tense situation, especially if you want him back. If you don’t want him back, all you need is something fast and simple to give him a message that it’s over.

1.When ex wants to talk

Not only will you learn how to react to an ex who asks how you’re doing today, but I’ll also give you some tips on how to deal with a variety of text message questions he may send you, such as:

“I miss you,” or in this case, your ex calls you.

He may miss you a lot, but stay strong if you’re in the middle of your no-contact time. When you were around, he used to get a rush of dopamine, but now it’s gone. He’s in desperate need of assistance. Don’t hand it over to him yet. If you are doing it correctly, trust yourself.

2. Breakup Expert says

According to Trina Leckie, breakup expert, and host of the podcast breakup BOOST, just having the update will increase your heart rate. Before deciding whether or not to respond, both experts advise taking some time to process and calm down.

3.Do some introspection

Some experts also point out that contact with an ex can take several forms. Consider setting clear rules on how, where, and what you chat about with an ex if they happen to be in a bunch of your classes or your friend group.

Exes can be challenging to deal with in your life. They are distinct individuals that always represent a lot. You have many memories of an ex, some of which are distressing.

When an ex reappears in your life, you must negotiate contact with them as well as your memories and feelings about them.

4.Be careful

If you have preconceived notions of what they may say or do, this can be not easy. It’s natural to be excited when their name appears on your phone, mainly if they did something wrong and owe you an apology. Managing your perceptions of them will help you avoid them hurting your feelings and heart in the future.

It may be beneficial to consider what kind of interaction you’re comfortable having with your ex after you’ve passed beyond this particular incident, whether it went well or caused you significant distress.

If you’re profoundly hurt by how things ended, Bradford recommends cutting off all contact and give yourself time to heal.

If you’re comfortable being in contact, you could always put their number on your phone’s “do not interrupt” list so that if they text you again, it won’t come as a complete surprise.

Respond to an Ex-Boyfriend Text

5.Take your time

It’s fantastic that you’re taking the time to learn how to deal with a situation like this.

It’s sometimes a good idea to explain why you’ve chosen to obey the No Contact Rule to your ex. It is helpful if you suspect he’ll retaliate aggressively if you cut off all touch without first telling him. You really need to get in touch with your feelings and concentrate on your personal goals.

Please keep in mind that you must have gone through a period of no contact with your ex during which you built some space and a communications blackout with them before texting them. In an emergency, it’s understandable that you’ll respond.

6.Beware of mind tricks

To make sure we’re on the same page, there are a few things you should do before texting him back, as I mentioned above. However, you should be aware that your ex-boyfriend can use various tricks and ploys to get you to answer.

But keep in mind that you don’t have to give your time and energy to your ex, particularly if it might jeopardize your health. Sure, this person was once significant in your life, but that time has passed, and your ex should honor your wishes if you want to cut off contact completely.

These are all the things you have to keep in mind before replying and responding!