What Men want

15 Easy Ways How to be a better Girlfriend (Works 100%)

Easy Ways How to be a better Girlfriend (psychologically proven)

Do you wonder sometimes how to be a better girlfriend to him? A woman who values her romantic relationship knows that it is dynamic. Our relationships change continuously, whether we like it or not.

Change also comes from within and constant improvement is the key in keeping the love alive. You may be dating a man who does not openly say what he wants from the relationship – well, most men would not even tell you, even if you ask.

woman holding man learning how to be a better girlfriend image

You are probably here because you care about your partner, so much so that you aspire to become a better girlfriend. Yet, your partner’s idea of what a great girlfriend is can be different from what you think.

I’m sure you’re already a fantastic girlfriend, but do you see room for improvements?

I believe we can all do a little better at times, and, as we know, being a girlfriend isn’t always easy, and takes work.

We’re no mind-readers, but there are certain things we can do to be an even better girlfriend.

This doesn’t mean that we have to change ourselves, or turn our own life upside down, but it requires patience, understanding, and attention to detail.

Then, with the following tips, he’ll appreciate and love you even more than before and you’re well on your way to tremendously improving your relationship.

    1. Stay independent

    2. Learn how to handle Conflicts better

    3. Be a better Girlfriend by Respecting his Space

    4. Stop snooping

    5. More Support, less Criticism

    6. Be kind to each other

    7. Help Him where it’s needed

    8. Treat His Family and Friends with Respect

    9. Surprise Him on Occasion

    10. Dress stunningly for Your weekly Date-Night

    11. Be the best Girlfriend by letting Him take charge during Sex

    12. Stroke His Ego

    13. Trust Him unconditionally

    14. A simple “I love You”

    15. How to be the best Girlfriend in a long-term Relationship

1. Stay independent

You wonder how to be the perfect girlfriend to him? Then learn to understand that independence is important not only for you as a woman, but also to your relationship with your man. Independence is attractive, whether you’re a man or a woman.

Independence also teaches how to build trust in a relationship. An independent woman can function on her own, doesn’t focus all her attention and energy to one man, and has a host of interests and commitments that keeps her busy.

She can be happy in and out of a romantic relationship. Independent girlfriends are not clingy because they are self-reliant; they don’t depend on their boyfriends to make them happy.

One of the biggest mistakes people in a relationship make is seeking another person to complete them, and often end up blaming that person for their unhappiness.

It’s easy: Remind yourself of the independent person you are. Have your own hobbies, (girl-)friends and interest. You will be much more interesting to him that way!

Recommended Reading: The best ways to how to keep a man interested in you

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2. Learn how to handle Conflicts better

People in stressful relationships handle conflicts poorly.

According to marriage expert, Susan Heitler, Ph.D, couples who work together in solving their problems constructively have stronger relationships, and it even cuts their risk for stress-related diseases.

Ironing out daily issues can easily turn into a battle of who’s right and who’s wrong.

A great girlfriend knows that it’s more important to resolve the issue at hand, and to come up with a solution that works for both parties.

Your guy would appreciate how mature you are in handling your relationship problems. In return, he will be inclined to reciprocate by coming up with solutions himself.

Therefore, if you truly want to understand  how to keep a man happy, start by avoiding the following behavior during conflicts:

      • leaving passive-aggressive notes
      • giving him the silent treatment or cold shoulder
      • name calling
      • blaming the other person
      • yelling or cussing

It’s easy: Learn to chose your battles! Not every little thing that’s annoying to you is worthwhile arguing over, or even mentioning it. Learn to let things go a little. Sport and even breathing exercises can help with that.

3. Be a better Girlfriend by Respecting his Space

When a woman hears the word “space” in the relationship, she often thinks it’s a sign that the relationship is going off-track. In reality, maintaining your own personal space is a sign of a healthy relationship.

Because men thrive in an environment where they can spend fun times with their peers and share ideas with them, while women prefer a constant connection with their significant other – conflicts often arise.

You may feel neglected if your man asks for a Netflix binge with friends where you are not included. However, an important part of understanding how to be the best girlfriend is to learn that maintaining attachments with other people is also important to your well-being.

So, let the boys have their man cave for themselves. After all, you still need to announce your latest matte lipstick obsession with your girl squad.

How to be the perfect Girlfriend … the easy Way!

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4. Stop snooping

The science of perception has long concluded that we often see what we actively seek. If you are the kind of girlfriend who routinely sneaks in to check your boyfriend’s phone – looking for ‘sexts’ and unusual phone calls – you are more likely to misjudge your guy’s behavior more than seeing it for what it actually is.

Snooping is also a breach of someone’s right to privacy.

If your man is doing something that is bothering you, open up and tell him what’s on your mind, instead of trying to guess the password to his Facebook account or reading his phone messages without his permission.

It’s easy: Just don’t do it! When tempted, remind yourself that it may simply be your mind playing tricks with you and also remind yourself of the possible negative effects it can have. Simply refrain from snooping!

how to be the best girlfriend to your boyfriend infographic

5. More Support, less Criticism

You wonder how to be the perfect girlfriend? To truly be a better girlfriend, give him more support and less criticism!

Sometimes you might tend to forget that your boyfriend has his own mother, and as such does not need another mouth to bombard him with unsolicited advice.

Sure, you only want what’s best for him, but you have to make sure that you don’t sound like you’re criticizing his every move.

Criticism is toxic to a relationship; ask yourself if you want to be around someone who always magnifies your flaws.

Any man hates the feeling of being devalued, according to Steven Stosny, Ph.D., author of One Thing that Will Ruin a Perfectly Good Relationship.

There are many ways to show concern without being too critical. Genuine concern over your boyfriend’s behavior focuses on improvement and not on belittling his personality.

It is not coercive or controlling. If you find yourself punishing or withdrawing affection when your boyfriend fails to do what you want, you are being critical.

It’s easy: Remember that criticism can be highly toxic to a relationship. The benefits of constantly criticizing your boyfriend will definitely be out-weight by this toxicity. Do not criticize him, unless absolutely necessary.

link to recommended video on becoming a better girlfriend

Click here to watch this free Video on how to be Become a better Girlfriend to him!

6. Be kind to each other

Psychologists John and Julie Gottman have studied thousands of couples to determine the ingredients to a successful relationship.

The study, spanning over four decades, found that couples in happy and long-lasting relationships are kind and generous to each other.

How you treat your partner is a great predictor of how strong your relationship will be.

Being kind is more than just being nice. It is knowing when to give support and encouragement despite feeling stressed and distracted.

It is trying to get involved in your boyfriend’s hobbies and interests – even though it’s not your cup of tea.

So – if you want to start right away and work on understanding how to be a better girlfriend, be kind to the man of your choice!

It’s easy: Simply remind yourself of the beginnings of your relationship. Most likely you were very kind to him back then. Remind yourself of the many good reasons to be kind to him now as well.


7. Help Him where it’s needed

Men can get overwhelmed when they have to do everything themselves. A great way for you to show him your love and support is by lending a helping hand.

Is there anything that needs to be done, for which he can’t make time?

Maybe you can do it for him.

Even just offering your help will make a difference! An important task is better not to be postponed, and if it’s something dear to him, you might want to roll up your sleeves and get to work alongside him.

It’s easy: Check out what he needs and help. Write a to-do list if needed, and cross some things off, one by one.


8. Treat His Family and Friends with Respect

Friends and family are extremely important to get along with, if you want to stay with someone long-term.

One can only hope that they will treat you with the same respect that you should give them, in which case it’s a perfect match.

You should always start out with respect for anyone who’s a big part of his life, and treat them with kindness, dignity and affection.

It’s easy: Ask lots of questions about him and his childhood, which indicates sincere interest, and make sure that everyone feels comfortable and respected when they’re in your presence (as much as this can be in your control).


9. Surprise Him on Occasion

You will earn the “girlfriend of the year” award, if you sneak in a surprise here or there!

Our day-to–day functions can get boring and monotone, so he’ll love it when you plan a trip for an anniversary, or get tickets for a show and surprise him with it.

It can also be something much simpler, like cooking his favorite meal when he gets home, and giving him an unexpected massage after a long day’s work.

Everyone likes surprises that will get them out of their head and make them stop stressing for a while.

It’s easy: Surprise him regularly, and make it count! Think about what he would like, and reward him by giving him something that is not part of the daily routine.


10. Dress stunningly for Your weekly Date-Night

Obviously you don’t have to dress sexy in order to be noticed by him – he loves you regardless, but he will also be pleasantly surprised to see you in a hot outfit for the night!

As mentioned above, you should make an effort to have date-nights weekly, since this is your chance as a couple to bond and spend quality-time together.

When you go, get your nicest outfit from the closet and transform yourself as if you’d be going on a first date with him. He’ll notice, and absolutely love it!

It’s easy: Make plans with him, put some make-up on, and get your sexy ready for the evening.


11. Be the best Girlfriend by letting Him take charge during Sex

Sex is all about two people connecting and enjoying each other, and your satisfaction is equally important than his.

However, he’ll love to hear you say that he should take charge or pick what you’re going to do this time.

This doesn’t mean that you won’t like it, but only that you let him do the picking and taking control for once of the situation.

Even if you’re normally more dominant, for instance, give him that feeling of being the alpha male sometimes.

It’s easy: It means no work for you, so just let him take you wherever he wants you guys to go, and enjoy the ride. You might discover a new thing or two!


12. Stroke His Ego

This is cliché, yes, but still very relevant to today’s men.

Even the most modern of all guys will like to be complimented, cared for, and told how awesome he is.

You don’t have to do it every day, but the occasional “wow, you’re the smartest, babe” or “God, could you get any more delicious?” will make you stand out as a better girlfriend.

Be supportive and tell him directly whenever he does or says something great.

It’s easy: At times, talk to him like you would to a child (I know, but its true!): You’re doing great, keep going! You’ll motivate him and make him feel almighty.


13. Trust Him unconditionally

This one is a no-brainer, unless you have a solid reason to be suspicious.

Otherwise, trust him and don’t drive him away with unnecessary moments of jealousy.  Women tend to overreact sometimes, and get jealous quickly.

That’s ok if he’s acting weird and secretive, but don’t confront him about anything, or make a scene if he gives you no reason to doubt him.

Then all you do is put a wedge between you and your man.

Despite previous cheating that you might have experienced with other men, give him a chance to show you that not all men are the same.

It’s easy: Have some faith and trust him!


14. A simple “I love You”

Often times we overlook the smallest things, like saying “I love you”.

We assume that our partner knows it, especially after being together for a long time, so at times we forget to say it, or simply don’t bother with it anymore.

That’s wrong! In order to be an awesome girlfriend, say it often, and mean it.

It’s easy: Say “I love you” regularly, and shower him with affection alongside it.


15. How to be the best Girlfriend in a long-term Relationship

Above tips will certainly help you a great deal in knowing how to improve as a girlfriend in order to build an even stronger relationship with the man of your choice.

However, extraordinary situations may require additional skills being applied to make it work.

Such extraordinary situation is present in a long-term relationship. Read on to get some helpful tips on being a good girlfriend in a long-term relationship.

  • Make an extra Effort

Becoming a better girlfriend in a long-term relationship involves making an extra effort, going the extra mile, to stay in touch.

Do not let a long day at work get into the middle of your relationship but instead check in with him regularly.

Long-term relationships require the extra effort, so be honest with yourself and ask yourself regularly if you can honestly say you are going the extra mile to make it work.

  • Do not blame him if Text/Skype/Phone Dates don’t always fit his Schedule

Long-distance relationships require more patience than “normal” relationships. In particular, you may not always be aware of your partner’s schedule.

Hence, in a long-term relationship you also need to make an extra effort not to get upset or impatient with him if he ends up cancelling a “phone-date” that you had been looking forward to.

Rest assured that he dislikes the situation probably as much as you do and make sure to reschedule a new date right away.

  • Go on “remote Dates”

One way to do so is by watching a movie together. Easy enough done and what worked for Harry and Sally will surely not harm your relationship, either.

So check out the TV schedule or look for a Netflix movie that could be interesting for the both of you!

Moreover, it does not always have to be movies night. For example, if both of you enjoy cooking, you could simply cook (and then indulge in) your favorite meal together.

In times of video conferencing over Skype or iPhone / Android, very easy to do!

So where do you start?

How do you get a man to love you the way you want to be loved and cherished?

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How To Be a Better Girlfriend!

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Does My Ex Want Me Back? TOP 5 Secret Signs he does!

Does My Ex Want Me Back? Here Are 5 Signs to Look For

‘Does my ex want me back’ is a question that’s on millions of women’s minds around the world. You had a great relationship that somehow took a turn for the worse, but now you’re wondering if there’s hope to get back together.

You don’t want to appear clingy and put all of your faith in something that won’t work, but you’d be surprised how often men secretly wish they could have the relationship back.

So, does your ex want you back? There’s no one way to know for sure, but we’ve identified 5 key signs men exhibit that could bring you hope for the future.

    1. You Still Talk

    2. They Ask About Your Dating Life

    3. They Play the Jealous Card

    4. They Chat About Everyday Life

    5. They Ask You to “Meet for a Drink”

  1. You Still Talk

First and foremost, if you two are still on a speaking basis, there is a small chance he might want you back. While many relationships end badly, with both sides refusing to speak to one another, whenever people are still in communication with their ex, there is hope for the future.

Exactly how much hope depends on these next few signals.

  1. They Ask About Your Dating Life

They could be asking just out of curiosity but many times, asking about someone’s dating life is a surefire sign that they’re interested in maybe getting back together. Don’t take this tip at face value and play it cool until you have confirmation of these next few signs.

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Click here to watch this incredible free presentation on how to save your Relationship … starting today!

  1. They Play the Jealous Card

If you notice that their social media profiles are full of pictures of them having fun or bragging about their dating life, this might be a call for attention from you.

Also, if they are interested in your dating life and even seem to show signs that they’re jealous of your new lover, they might wish that they were still yours.

Further Readings: How to keep a Man interested and What to do when He pulls away

  1. They Chat About Everyday Life

If they’re still talking to you about everyday things such as problems at work or their family, there’s a good chance that they want you back. These are typical conversations that couples have—not strictly-casual friends.

Be careful here: don’t disclose all of your personal life to them if you aren’t really interested in them still. Let them do the talking and carefully listen.

  1. They Ask You to “Meet for a Drink”

You are still wondering ‘Does my ex want me back’? A typical sign that a man is romantically interested in a woman is to ask for a drink. It’s probably how you two got together in the first place! If he asks you this, play it cool.

It’s important to note that you aren’t forced to get back together with your ex in any case! Also, understand that you should only meet for a drink if you’re still interested in them.

Hopefully, these signals have been helpful for your situation. People break up and get back together all of the time, so there is a strong possibility you could be one of the lucky few.

Also interesting: Learn how to make someone fall in Love with You again

Relationship Blogs and Dating Blogs – The TOP 10 List

Our TOP 10 List of the best Relationship Blogs and Dating Blogs

Check out our Top 10 Relationship Blogs and Dating Blogs for the best available info and discussions on everything surrounding relationships, darting, love, sex and mental health.

We handpicked all of the following blogs and present them to you in no particular order – we believe they are all very informational, helpful, and … fun!

  1. Science of Relationships

  2. Sex and London City

  3. Baggage Reclaim

  4. The Last Honest Guy

  5. Blog With Benefits

  6. Surviving Dating

  7. My Pixie Blog

  8. The Urban Dater

  9. Dating Advice From a Girl

  10. Seriously Maybe

Also Read: Relationship Advice for Women



1. Science of Relationships

Url: http://www.scienceofrelationships.com/

Author: Team of Relationship Scientists

About: Get relationship advice backed up by science and statistics. Science of Relationships is a good resource of anything related to sex, relationship and that most-talked about emotion – love! The authors behind the site are scientists, experts and professors in the relationship field. No, this is not the usual, full of jargon research website; all the articles are presented in a fun, simple and easy to understand manner.


image of dating blog relationship blog sex and london city

2. Sex and London City

Url: http://www.sexandlondoncity.co.uk/

Author: Nixalina

About: The author of this blog, Nixalina, launched Sex and London City as a beauty and fashion blog. But her perceptive and honest articles about relationships and dating gained her a cult following. Sex and London City is now one of the most popular of the UK’s relationship blogs and dating blogs. Nixalina’s unapologetic approach in showing the exciting and brutal reality of being a single woman looking for love catapulted her as a sex and dating expert. Her take on dating is both insightful and refreshing.


speech bubble relationship online blog

3. Baggage Reclaim

Url: http://www.baggagereclaim.co.uk/

Author: Natalie Lue

About: If you’re in a rut or stuck in the complicated maze of dating, you definitely need someone like Natalie Lue. Baggage Reclaim is inasmuch special among the dating blogs and relationship blogs, as it aims to help people deal with their relationship baggage and gain back their confidence along the way. Emotional de-cluttering is the blog’s specialty. Browse its library of articles or take one of Natalie’s subscription-based courses.


last honest guy online blog image

4. The Last Honest Guy

Url: http://www.thelasthonestguy.com/

Author: The Last Honest Guy

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

About: The Last Honest Guy is your go-to blog for uncensored advice and insights about men and relationships. If you are a woman confused about the guy you’re dating, you can ask questions and get unfiltered answers about what men really think. The articles and guides here are written from a man’s perspective, so it may not always coincide with how you think (if you’re a female), but hey, aren’t you curious about what really goes on in their heads, anyways?


online love blog dating stories gone bad

5. Blog With Benefits

Url: http://www.blogwithbenefits.com/

Author: Jessica Druck

About: From How To Tell You’re a Booty Call to How To Get Over Someone in The Age of Social Media – there’s plenty of relevant articles here to keep you busy. Like many relationship bloggers, Jessica started the ‘Blog With Benefits’ simply as a space to unload her thoughts and dating horror stories. Now Jessica is busy inspiring others and making people laugh through her posts on various social media sites.

Recommended Reading: Learn to make a Guy fall in Love with You


surviving dating blog image

6. Surviving Dating

Url: http://survivingdating.com/

Author: Deborrah Cooper (Ms. Heartbeat)

About: This blog is run by the irascible advise columnist, Ms. Heartbeat. Deborrah Cooper tackles a wide range of topics about love from dating pet peeves to texting rules for dating singles. Her blog posts are opinionated and insightful, and with over 20 years of experience in the relationship field, she knows how to handle any topic in a witty and hilarious way. Deborrah also writes for AskHeartBeat.com.


image my pixie blog dating blog online

7. My Pixie Blog

Url: http://mypixieblog.com/

Author: Charlotte

About: Charlotte founded My Pixie Blog in 2009 after the demise of her long-term relationship. It didn’t take long and the blog gained a number of avid readers in the busy world of relationship blogs and dating blogs. Charlotte discusses topics about letting go, speed dating, bachelorett- lifestyle and a lot more.


picture of relationship blog the urban dater image

8. The Urban Dater

Url: https://theurbandater.com/

Author: Alex Vasquez

About: This blog from Alex Vasquez covers various topics related to dating, sex, relationships and love. If you need to spice up your Match.com or Tinder profile, they offer online dating profile help and critique for a small fee. The Urban Dater’s articles cater to both men and women, so you’ll never feel left out.


image dating advice from a girl blog

9. Dating Advice From a Girl

Url: http://datingadvicefromagirl.com/

Author: Midori Lei

About: As her blog’s tagline suggests (traditional relationship in a modern world), Midori holds time-honored values and beliefs in dating. She believes men should make the first move, and that sex isn’t just a physical act. Whether you share the same values with her or not, you’ll learn a thing or two from her self-written articles. She also does unique email and texting consultation if you need some love advice. A great resource!


image dating blogs relationship blogs seriously maybe

10. Seriously Maybe

Url: http://seriously-maybe.com/

Author: Marckens P. and Rey

About: Although the articles on Seriously Maybe are presented from a man’s perspective – the author, Mackens P., aims to give readers a different view on each gender from a psychological standpoint. It’s interesting to read about his take on controversial topics like ‘Why It’s Okay For a Man to Cheat and Not Okay for Women’. You may not necessarily like what you read, but the topics covered will open up a way for people to dig deep into the subjects and definitely get the conversation going.

Also Read: The TOP Online Relationship Advice Sites and our Relationship Coach Recommendations

Online Relationship Advice Sites – Our TOP 10 List

Online Relationship Advice Sites – Our TOP 10 of the most helpful Sites

When it comes to matters of the heart, it helps to have real people you can talk to and relate to. If you need an expert’s advice or just a space to vent out, check this compilation of our selected Top 10 online relationship advice sites out there.

  1. http://www.datingadvice.com/

  2. http://thecoupleconnection.net/

  3. http://www.yourtango.com/

  4. https://goodmenproject.com/

  5. http://www.anewmode.com/

  6. http://www.vixendaily.com/

  7. http://www.twoofus.org/

  8. https://youqueen.com/

  9. http://www.lovepanky.com/

  10. http://www.sheknows.com/

link to external video with recommended relationship advice

Free presentation on making him go crazy for you just by using the right words!


online relationship advice dating_advice_site

1. http://www.datingadvice.com/

Tagline: One major authority on all things related to dating

Membership: Free (forum)

Site Offerings: This online relationship advice site features daily articles from dating and relationship experts and a lively forum with over 5,000 registered users. You can find a bunch of almost everything here – dating site reviews, research studies, industry news and a relationship advice forum.



2. http://thecoupleconnection.net/

Tagline: Where couples work it out

Membership: Free

Site Offerings: The Couple Connection is a free online relationship advice site created and operated by OnePlusOne, a leading relationship support charity and research organization in the UK.

The Couple Connection’s relationship advice aims to empower couples to work on their relationships. The site offers a wide range of articles, quizzes, activities and self-assessment tools to help you improve and strengthen your relationship. If you want relationship advice from trained counselors or if you just feel like you need someone to talk to, check out The Listening Room.


yourtango online relationship adice site

3. http://www.yourtango.com/

Tagline: The leading online magazine dedicated to love and relationships

Membership: Free

Site Offerings: A collection of affirming stories, thoughtful opinions and perspectives, expert advice and shareable lists from diverse voices.

The site features a free-to-register community where you can connect with other members, comment on stories and get invited for future events. You will find a variety of interesting and helpful posts about dating, men, and celebrities.



4. https://goodmenproject.com

Tagline: The conversation no one else is having

Membership: Annual Platinum, Annual Gold, and Annual Bronze with fees varying from around $5.- to $50.- / year

Site Offerings: The Good Men Project was founded in 2009 as a collection of stories about defining moments in a man’s life. It quickly grew into a multi-faceted media company and a social platform where anyone can participate in conversations about  how men’s roles are changing in modern life.

The site offers plenty of insightful articles about dating, marriage, ethics, raising kids, gender and sexuality that both men and women can greatly benefit from. Registering for annual memberships gives you access to special features and privileges but all articles from the site are free for everyone.



5. http://www.anewmode.com/

Tagline: Everything you want to know about relationships, love, and about why men act the way they do

Membership: N/A

Site Offerings: The site contains unique relationship articles and an advice forum to help women understand men, love and relationships. The have a dedicated forum where you can ask for relationship advice, and you don’t need to sign up or have an account to post. Visit their Facebook fan page with almost 60,000 likes for daily inspiration and tips.



6. http://www.vixendaily.com/

Membership: N/A

Site Offerings: The site’s mission is to veer away from the typical, run-of-the-mill advice that other relationship sites offer. Rather, the site focuses on providing mind-reading quizzes, articles and advice tailored to your particular needs. The site doesn’t just offer great guidance on dating and relationship but also on a variety of issues that women face.



7. http://www.twoofus.org

Tagline: Great relationships don’t happen automatically

Membership: N/A

Site Offerings: Two of Us was founded as a project of the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC). There are plenty of relationship articles and tips for parents as well as for dating- and married- couples. Find out your and your partner’s relationship style by taking the Heart Chart quiz.



8. https://youqueen.com/

Tagline: Live like a Queen, together with YouQueen!

Membership: N/A

Site Offerings: YouQueen is a women’s online lifestyle magazine that provides various articles and tips about beauty, fashion, travel, food, sex and dating. The site was launched in 2012 and aims to become the #1 online destination for women. They feature various authors and contributors from around the entire world.




Tagline: Your guide to better love and relationships

Membership: N/A

Site Offerings: Love Panky provides plenty of resources  about flirting, dating, sex, love and self-improvement – offering different contents for men and women. From dating ideas to sexual fantasies, they got everything covered here. No membership is required, but you can join their Facebook community for more updated reads about love and relationship.




Tagline: Women inspiring women

Membership: N/A

Site Offerings: She Knows is a lifestyle digital media company that provides daily updates about various topics – catering to women of all ages. You can read about pop culture, food, parenting, sex, dating and a lot more. Stay updated and don’t miss the current trends by liking their Facebook fan page.  Be one of their 600,000+ readers.

Summary – Our Top 10 Online Relationship Advice Sites

We hope you liked our selection of these online relationship resources. If you are looking for more online love and relationship advice, check out these love graphic and relationship info-graphics as well as our Top 10 list of some of the best female relationship coaches out there.

Further Reading: Learn How to make a Man love You

Love Graphics and Relationship Infographics – Top 7 List

Love Graphics and Relationship Infographics – Our Top 7 List

Good love graphics and relationship info-graphics are a beautiful way to explain all kinds of things related to love and relationships in simplified, easy to understand ways. While it is virtually impossible to evaluate or even examine all the info-graphics available nowadays on this topic, we comprised some of the most appealing and useful love graphics / infographics for you.

We believe they are all fantastic peaces of art with a high degree of information conveyed, and give a good idea of the wide variety of information that can be conveyed with the use of infographics on the topic of relationships and love.

  1. What is The Ultimate Commitment?

  2. The Science Behind a Happy Relationship

  3. Did Dating Die With The Millennials?

  4. What’s Your Relationship Status?

  5. The Science of Love

  6. Why Long Distance Relationship Can Work

  7. The Cost of Love

The graphics are listed in no particular order, we believe they are all simply fantastic, so … Enjoy!
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Free video presentation on how to become super – attractive to men in no time!


1. What is The Ultimate Commitment?

Site/Link: Science of Relationships

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

About: A research conducted by the Loving Lab and ScienceOfRelationships.com explores the 7 displays of commitment according to engaged and recently married individuals.

Even though the desire to get married has declined for the new generation, it’s still viewed as the expression of ultimate commitment. Learn about the six others that got included in the list.

love graphic commitment_between_men_and_women


2. The Science Behind a Happy Relationship

Site/Link: Happify

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

About: There is really no secret to a happy relationship. It’s a case to case basis, isn’t it? But, according to the Happify team, science can, at least, explain how to make relationships work and how any couples can enjoy a life together.

Sweet. Spend at least 5 hours or more each week talking or just being with each other. That’s one tip from below Happify love graphic / relationship infographic.

relationship graphic science_between_a_happy_marriage_graphic


3. Love Graphics – Did Dating Die With The Millennials?

Site/Link: Free Dating

Follow:  Facebook and Twitter

About: Finding romance has changed over the generations. It seems like dating has almost died since the advent of social media and the rise of the millennials.

Is the dating trend really far from what it used to be? Find out through this relationship infographic, created by the folks from freedating.co.uk.



4. What’s Your Relationship Status?

Site/Link: Shea Strauss (We Love Dates)

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

About: Your new relationship keeps you going in circles? You are confused about where you stand in this relationship, but you are reluctant to ask?

It’s still best to get the answer from the person in question, but if you just don’t have the guts, this hilarious infographic will help you analyze your current relationship status. Prepare some tissues.

Further Reading: How can you get a Guy to commit?

relationship graphic_what_is_the_status_of_your_relationship


5. The Science of Love

Site/Link: My Breast

Follow:  Facebook, Twitter

About: The team behind MyBreast.org created this interesting info-graphic that explains the science behind falling in love, including what’s going on in our brains and our bodies during the process.

This cute – looking love graphics / relationship info-graphic is based on the premise that certain chemicals and hormones in the body guide us through the different stages of love, according to this info-graphic.

Also Read: How can you make a Guy fall for you?

love graphics image with love scientific statements


6. Why Long Distance Relationship Can Work

Site/Link: Chris Martin (Love My Brit)

Follow:  Facebook, Twitter

About: If you’re in a long-distance relationship or thinking of getting into one, this love info-graphic is for you. There’s a lot of online posts out there on the world wide web as to why this kind of relationship doesn’t work, so it’s refreshing to see a different take on the subject.

The information here was based strictly on statistics. You can keep your hopes high.



7. The Cost of Love 

Site/Link: Retail Me Not

Follow: Facebook, Twitter

About: Retail Me Not’s infographic explores the true ‘cost’ of love. It shows what couples are willing to spend on dates and Valentines day gifts, as well as who should really pay on first dates. The answers may surprise you.

love graphics calculate costs associated with relationships

Further Reading: Our Top 10 Relationship Coach List

Relationship Coach – Our female Top 10 List

The best female Relationship Coach – Our Top 10 List

We round up the Top 10 Influential Relationship Coach – list of females that cater to those who need thoughtful and helpful relationship advice by giving tips and providing online resources.
All of the following female authors are doing an amazing job in our opinion, so we listed them in no particular order.

  1. April Masini

  2. Dr. Wendy Walsh

  3. Laura Doyle

  4. Donna Barnes

  5. Joanna Goddard

  6. Renee Wade

  7. Meredith Goldstein

  8. Susan Winter

  9. April Beyer

  10. Amie Leadingham

1. April Masini


Website: https://www.askapril.com/
Site Offerings:
Ask April advice column, advice forum and premium private response to your questions

Notable Works: ‘Think and Date Like a Man’, ‘Date Out of Your League’ (books)

About: April Masini is a best-selling author of several books, a critically-acclaimed columnist and a relationship & etiquette expert. Her website is a great resource of relationship advice and tips. There are currently 12 categories in her ‘Ask April’ relationship coach column. And there is plenty to learn about Marriage, Sex and Seduction, Online Dating and Divorce through these articles. More than 26,000 questions have been submitted and answered on her advice forum.

2. Dr. Wendy Walsh


Website: http://www.drwendywalsh.com
Site Offerings:
Human mating workshop, confidential telephone coaching about dating, marriage and parenting, relationship articles and tips

Notable Works: ‘The 30-day Love Detox’, ‘The Girlfriend Test’, ‘The Boyfriend Test’ (books)

About: Dr. Wendy Walsh is America’s well-loved thought leader in relationships. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, a Master’s degree in Psychology and a Doctor’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Dr. Wendy is currently hosting ‘The Dr. Wendy Walsh Show’ on iHeartMedia’s KFI 640.  Dr. Wend is also a news commentator on CNN and 9 Network, Australia – where she breaks down the science of human behaviors, such as sex, love, dating, gender roles and parenting. She was a part of the reality show ‘Happily NEVER After’ from the Investigation Discovery Network.
presentation on how to make him fall in love with you

Check out this Free Video and learn to speak the Language of his Desire!

3. Laura Doyle


Website: http://www.lauradoyle.org
Site Offerings:
Free intimacy quiz and ‘The Six Intimacy Skills’™, individual relationship and marriage coaching, Laura Doyle coaching, training and certification, relationship and marriage workshops, various relationship articles via blog

Notable Works: ‘First, Kill All The Marriage Counselors’, ‘The Surrendered Wife’, ‘The Surrendered Single’ (books)

About: Laura Doyle is no ordinary relationship coach, but a New York Times’ best-selling author and intimacy expert. She is the creator of ‘The Six Intimacy Skills’™ – a free webinar that helps women learn to get respect, reconnect and rev-up their love life. Laura promotes creating a passionate and playful relationship through this step-by-step system. Her free quiz will reveal what keeps you from having an amazing relationship.

Also read: Learn how to save your Marriage

4. Donna Barnes


Website: http://www.donnabarnes.com/
Site Offerings:
Dating website, Dating, Relationship and Breakup Coaching, Breakup Rescue video collection, Relationship advice and tips via blog

Notable Works: ‘Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships: Recipes for Healthy Choices and It’s All About You!’, H’ow to use Your Power to Get (and Keep) a Wonderful Man’ (books)

About: As a dating, relationship and heartbreak coach, Donna Barnes started a dating website, which now has more than 1.6 million genuine U.S. members. She’s a frequent guest on TV and radio programs such as Good Morning America. Donna currently offers telephone and Skype coaching, as well as in-person meetings.

5. Joanna Goddard

relationship_coach_joanna_goddardWebsite: https://www.cupofjo.com/
Site Offerings:
Daily articles about relationships, fashion, culture and parenthood

Notable Works: ‘A Cup of Jo’ (blog)

About: Joanna Goddard launched ‘A Cup of Jo’ in 2007 as a weekend hobby. The blog grew big enough for her to quit her full-time job. The site offers various and helpful contents about style, food, design, travel, parenthood and relationship – being the most popular category.

Also interesting: How to make a Guy fall in Love with you fast

6. Renee Wade

top rated relationship coach renee_wade

Website: http://www.thefemininewoman.com/
Site Offerings:
Tips about finding love and commitment, relationship articles, entry level and advanced programs on relationship courses

Notable Works: ‘The Feminine Woman’™ (blog), ‘Shen Wade Media’ (online courses)

About: Renee Wade was a lawyer by profession when she authored ‘The Feminine Woman’ in 2009 and hasn’t looked back since. Her mission is to help women understand men, dating and relationships. Renee’s blog, ‘The Feminine Woman’™, has attracted more than a million visitors. She is also the co-founder of Shen Wade Media.

7. Meredith Goldstein


Website: https://www.meredithgoldstein.com/
Site Offerings:
Love Letters – advice column
Notable Works: ‘The Singles’ (book)

About: Meredith Goldstein is an advice columnist at Love Letters – a daily dispatch of advice for readers of Boston.com. Meredith is also an entertainment reporter for The Boston Globe. You can send in your questions about love and relationships and get advice from Meredith herself.

8. Susan Winter

relationship coach susan_winter

Website: http://www.susanwinter.net/
Site Offerings:
One-on-one consultation via phone or Skype, VIP consultation for long-standing clients, relationship articles

Notable Works: ‘Breakup Triage: The Cure for Heartache’,
‘From Negative to Positive in 20 Minutes’ (audio books), ‘Allowing Magnificence’, ‘Older Women, Younger Men’ (books)

About: Susan Winter tapped into her past experiences to become a best-selling author and relationship expert in higher thinking for an evolving world. Her first book, ‘Older Women, Younger Men’, became an instant bestseller, opening the hearts of readers in acknowledging the validity of this type of age-gap love. There are various articles on her website that talk about relationship challenges, modern dating and empowerment.

9. April Beyer


Website: https://www.aprilbeyer.com/
Site Offerings: Free online dating advice, paid audio series about attracting quality men, dating resources and relationship articles

Notable Works: ‘Smart Sexy Soulful Dating’ (audio series)

About: April Beyer is a trusted relationship coach and expert matchmaker. Her expert advice has been featured on ABC, Good Morning America, Dr. Phil and The Early Show to name a few. She created ‘Smart Sexy Soulful Dating’™, an audio series featuring a three-step program that teaches women how to date, flirt and communicate in an authentic and feminine way. April Beyer will soon launch ‘Smart Women Smart Love’™, a new project that will include monthly live coaching and Q’s and A’s.

10. Amie Leadingham

relationship coach amie_leadingham

Website: https://www.facebook.com/Amiethedatingcoach/
Site Offerings: Free relationship readiness review, private Conscious Dating Club, Conscious Dating Skills e-course, group coaching, dating and relationship articles via blog

Notable Works: ‘A Woman’s Handbook to Online Dating: Secrets to Successfully Find Love Online’ (book)

About: Amie Leadingham is a Master Certified Relationship Coach, who helps singles create their unique relationship plan. Amie was named one of LA’s Best Dating Coaches in 2014.

Also Read: The best Relationship Advice for Women

How to get a Guy to ask You out – 7 Tips and Tricks

How to get a Guy to ask You out?!

Nothing is more frustrating then being interested in a guy who’s not making a move to ask you out. But then – how to get a guy to ask you out? You don’t want to be too obvious about your feelings, but you can’t just sit and do nothing, either. If you really want to get a guy to ask you out, you have some work to do.

how to get a guy to ask you outWhen you meet a guy you really like, employing a few tactics is necessary to keep him interested and to eventually ask you out.

Some guys either just don’t see you as a dating potential or they are simply scared of asking you out; sometimes it is then not easy to figure out just what makes him commit to you. Further, if he thinks of himself as being less successful or less attractive than you are, he will definitely feel discouraged to ask you out on a date.

Help him make a move by utilizing the following tricks:

  1. Look sexy, not trashy

  2. Give him some Eye-Contact

  3. Compliment him

  4. Be witty

  5. Don’t stage a public Display of Humiliation

  6. Drop a Hint

  7. Do it yourself

1. Look sexy, not trashy

Basics first. So let’s look at how to get a guy to notice you. You can’t get a guy to ask you out if he doesn’t notice you, so be noticeable. Wear clothes that accentuate your best assets, but not a plunging neckline so low, it shows everything you have (appendectomy scar and all). Be tasteful in choosing outfits and dress and act classy, not trashy.

Physically gifted women tend to show off their ample assets. You will probably attract a lot of men that way, but maybe not the kind of men you want to date.

2. Give him some Eye-Contact

A lot of guys won’t ask a girl out because they’re not really sure if a girl’s into them. They’re just being protective of the ever-mighty male ego. Also, the not-so-confident guys would dread being rejected. You wonder then how to get a guy to ask you out? Give him a little hint by making eye contact. Not a long, creepy stare, just enough to let him know that it’s okay for him to come over, and ask for your number or something.

Try to catch his eyes and hold his gaze. You can let out that pretty smile of yours as a bait. If he’s still not coming to you, you can try it one more time and stare a little longer, but don’t do it for the third time – he’s obviously not interested.

3. Compliment him

Show him you’re interested by complimenting his looks. If a guy is intimidated by you, this will make him feel at ease. Ask him to share something about himself. Ask about his job, his hobbies or sports he likes – anything. Extend the compliments to his interests. If he likes volunteering, arts or literature, tell him you find it wonderful that he likes those things. Be a genuinely good listener, a great man will notice.

4. Be witty

Don’t try too hard to be witty; let it come out naturally. Don’t obsess over how to get a guy to ask you out. Hang out with witty people and learn from them. If there’s no time for that, just be yourself. Put your guards down and simply talk what’s on your mind. Being witty is about timing and saying unexpected things. Engage in funny, sexy banters, and tease a little. Even the most unskilled can come up with something if they feel comfortable enough with the person they’re talking to.

5. Don’t stage a public Display of Humiliation

If your idea of fun and “carpe diem” is being wasted at parties and spewing words your future self will hate you for, then don’t expect a quality man to ask you out. When a man sees an inebriated woman, he will most likely question her character. Know your limits and always be in control of the situation. Don’t be both the damsel and the distress.

6. Drop a Hint

Drop subtle hints that you’re available. Tell him there’s a new movie coming out that you want to catch. Have a spare ticket for a guy-friendly concert or a game he’s dying to see. Another trick for those who can’t ask a guy out directly: invite him on a group date. You can gauge the second time around if he’s interested. If it didn’t get anywhere, you wouldn’t feel so rejected, and you even had fun with friends.

7. Do it yourself

Still not entirely sure how to get a guy to ask you out? In the era of Facebook and Snapchat, asking someone out is still daunting, especially if you’re a girl. We still feel uneasy to approach a guy. It just doesn’t feel right sometimes. Well, you can stop all those worries because the majority of men actually likes it when you ask them out. You’ll take the burden from the shy guys. It will also help you take control of your dating future. Relax! After all, you are only asking him out on a date, you are not asking him to marry you, nor are you at this point concerned to find out how to make the guy fall in love with you!

When subtle hints don’t work, simply tell him that you like to hang out with him, over coffee or while watching a movie. If he tells you NO, well, at least you’ve tried. Show him you’re confident and that his rejection does not bother you.

How to keep a Man interested – for a lasting Relationship

How To Keep A Man Interested

Do you wonder how to keep a man interested? Whether you already ‘have’ the man of your dreams on your side or you’re attempting to become closer to this guy, there are many way to keep a man interested. If serious relationship is your goal, a stronger foundation is generally necessary to foster a happy and healthy relationship. Don’t be too upfront in showing that you need a boyfriend, just keep a mental note of your goal and create a committed mindset.

how to keep a man interestedIf you’re already a couple and you hope to make the love lasts, you can learn from others.

Successful couples aren’t born overnight. It’s the fruit of constant effort, unwavering patience, trust and mutual respect. Some people are just so compatible that they click no matter the odds. For the rest of us, it may entail some hard work. Follow these five rules and you will be well on your way to keep him into your relationship.

  1. Never stop being curious about each other

  2. Keep old Baggage in the Trash

  3. Don’t let him be responsible for your Happiness

  4. Have a healthy sexual Relationship

  5. Treat him as your Partner and your Equal

Keeping your man interested and keeping your man happy is not a guarantee that he will not stray, but it can deepen the bond you have and hopefully, will make him value your relationship that he will not do anything that will ruin it.

Creating a happy, fun and loving environment, where you both respect each other and protect each other’s well-being is important for your relationship to grow strong. To get there and ultimately in order to understand how to keep a man interested, continue reading the tips below.

1. Never stop being curious about each other

Attraction stops when mystery fades. Sad but true. If your relationship is just based on attraction, expect it to fizzle out once you’ve grown familiar with each other. Although effective communication is important, it will also be beneficial to keep some things to yourself. It’s not synonymous to being dishonest or keeping secrets that will hurt the relationship. It means not spilling everything about you in one go.

Get him interested in discovering you. It’s like undressing slowly – it builds anticipation. Every time he discovers little bits of interesting information about you, the more he’ll crave to know more. Simply put, don’t lay all your cards down.

Being somewhat closed-up an keeping a few secrets to yourself is usually also a great little trick when it comes to how to make him worry about losing you.

2. Keep old Baggage in the Trash

A very important advice to follow when learning how to keep a man interested is to not let the past dictate your future. If you’ve dated a player before and you’re scared the next guy might turn out to be just like him, it’s not fair to you and your man.

A lot of relationships turn sour because we are so hung up with the past. If the old ghosts from your past are still haunting you, you shouldn’t have started a new relationship in the first place. Seek professional help if you can’t still move on from a failed relationship.

Don’t compare him to your past boyfriends and don’t throw baseless suspicions just because of your instincts. A man won’t be interested to commit to a woman who is just half-there. Give the relationship the full attention it deserves. Of course, be mindful of possible red flags, but don’t create problems that aren’t there.

3. Don’t let him be responsible for your Happiness

If you keep a little space between you, where you can both grow individually, you are showing him that  your happiness is not dependent of him. The relationship will not feel burdensome and he will look at you as a woman who is in control of herself.
A man wants to work hard to get something, but he doesn’t want it to just be pure hard work. In the long run, it will make him question if you are worth it. By showing him that you are responsible for your own happiness, the more he would want for you to need him.
free video presentation on becoming incredibly attractive to men

Watch this free video presentation on how to become more attractive to men in no time!


4. Have a healthy sexual Relationship

If you are both not into this, just skip to the next tip. If you’re still reading, you probably understand that sex is an important part of a romantic relationship. A great sexual life is not based on the frequency, but on the quality of the intimacy. Doing the act when you both want it is the key. Don’t pay attention to couples who constantly brag about ‘doing it’ three or more times a day.

It can be once a week or once a month, as long as it’s a wonderful experience you both enjoy and look forward to. Be open and talk about each other’s needs in bed. Show him that you’re willing to know about his fantasies and don’t be shy to tell him yours.

5. Treat him as your Partner and your Equal

Men desire women who love and appreciate them. One of the easiest ways of learning how to keep a man interested is therefore to show him that he can rely on you. Listen to his problems without judgment. Offer to pay for your dinner date or have your share of the bill. Surprise him with tickets of his favorite game. These small gestures will make him feel that you are invested in the relationship and that you’re in it for the long haul.

Read also: What You should do when You feel he pulls away from You

How to let go of Someone You Love – 5 Steps to help heal

How to let go of Someone You Love?

Even in amicable separations, letting go is a struggle. The idea of losing a once magical life behind – all the good memories and beautiful moments – is scary for the most of us. At first sight, there simply appears to be no way you will ever be able to learn how to let go of someone you love.

When there are feelings left for that person, the situation is even worse. It often feels like it is impossible to cut ties completely. And then there’s that small hope that maybe, just maybe, there might still be a second chance to reconnect down the road.

how to let go of someone you love
Allow me to tell you first that you are not alone in this journey, and that your feelings of deep pain and despair are all valid. Almost everyone who’s been in that situation has felt the same. If only I can forget him, you’d say.

But moving on isn’t just about forgetting. You don’t even have to force yourself to stop loving someone. Time is the best healer, but though it can’t heal all wounds, it can make those wounds less painful. So, give yourself time. And when you are really ready to let him go, let these five steps help you.

  1. Cut off all Communication

  2. Allow yourself to grieve

  3. Let go of the Fantasy

  4. Accept that it’s okay to still have Feelings for that Person

  5. Love yourself and let yourself be loved

1. Cut off all Communication

Being friends with your ex is not a sign of maturity. You are the “best friend” that you need at this difficult time. You are not obliged to keep in contact just to save your face or to not look bitter in front of your friends. Protecting yourself is what’s important. Shielding yourself from everything that will only cause you more pain and throw you out of balance. That is a sign of maturity.

If your ex keeps contacting you, just let him know that you want to keep your distance at the moment. You don’t need to disappear completely and you don’t owe him an explanation why you need space, but he will most likely get the message and respect your decision if you just politely tell him so.

It doesn’t mean you can’t be good friends again. But friends protect each other and look for each other’s welfare, and your breakup only proves that’s a questionable thing already. Perhaps when you are both fully healed, you can forgive and be friends.

2. Allow yourself to grieve

Understand that grieve is an important part of understanding how to let go of someone you love. There’s nothing undignified in letting yourself wallow in your sea of pain, at least at the first few months of the breakup. There’s no shortcut to healing. We all have to go through this hellish phase. Blast those sad love songs while you’re eating a whole tub of ice cream, it’s up to you. Cry all you want. No one’s stopping you.

Suppressing the pain and pretending you are not hurt will only prolong the healing process. You have the right to choose how to cope from this experience, but know that this is temporary. Treat yourself with kindness because you’re the only one who can pull yourself out of this mess.

3. Let go of the Fantasy

It’s hard to accept that it’s over. We often cling to the good memories and tell ourselves that it would have ended differently if we did this and that. We want a second chance to make it work again. But it’s only because we form an idea of a near-perfect relationship in our heads that we can’t let go of. In reality, this relationship doesn’t exist. And it’s what keeps us stuck in the fantasy we created.

Think of all the painful memories, the bad fights, everything from your past relationship that brought you pain, write it down and read it over to yourself. Reflect on these moments and remember how you’ve felt at that time. Look deeply into that relationship of yours; see it for what it is and realize why it has to end.

Recommended: Bible Verses about Relationships

4. Accept that it’s okay to still have Feelings for that Person

Sometimes we can never really stop loving a person. And many women also ask themselves questions like “Should I get back with me Ex?!” Every person we meet, especially the one that plays a significant role in our lives, has somehow changed us. They gave us the gift of love and let us experience how it is to be loved. It’s a wonderful feeling and it’s normal to still have a spot for them in our hearts.

A related issue is also how to get over being cheated on. Understand that here as well, it is ok to still have feelings for that person, even if he may have been unfaithful to you. Do not blame yourself for your feelings.

5. Love yourself and let yourself be loved

What may be the most important lesson to learn in how to let go of someone you love is to actually rebuild yourself by letting go of the negative feelings, self-doubt and criticism that keep on replaying in your head. You are worthy to be loved again, and by a man who knows how to treat you right. But in order to understand how to let go of someone you love, you really must be able to love yourself, first.

Treat this moment as an opportunity to get to know yourself deeply and discover what makes you genuinely happy. Give yourself the love that you’ve always wanted to have, with or without a man by your side. Although, a new love, who knows, can be a welcome distraction.

Recommended Reading: Getting over Your Ex

How to keep a Man happy – for a better Relationship

How to keep a Man happy – nurturing a happy and lasting Relationship

We are all complex individuals with different needs and expectations from our relationships. Sometimes it feels like men are hard to decode, but just like women, they want love and intimacy. Understanding what makes a man happy and ultimately also how to keep a man happy will help a great deal in nurturing a happy and lasting relationship.

how to keep a man happyOur following general guidelines on the question of “how to keep a man happy” can’t guarantee that your love will last, for you can’t force someone who doesn’t want to stay.

But they will definitely help you identify if you’re contributing in making a healthy relationship or if you’re only making it worse.

  1. Shower him with Praises

  2. Stop being a Control-Freak

  3. Nagging is not an effective Way of communicating

  4. Unreasonable Jealousy is your one-way Ticket to Singledom

  5. Your Mother was right when she said, “You can’t change a Man!”

  6. Keep the Passion alive

1. Shower him with Praises

One of the best relationship advice for women when it comes to answering the question of how to keep a man happy, is to actually frequently make your man a few good compliments. Good compliments can rev up your man like a well-oiled machine. They boost their self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves, and as a result, men are more likely to treat you better to validate your appreciation. Not that you should expect something in return. Give honest praises and you’ll see them smiling from ear to ear. Make them feel that you are perceptive of their efforts, and that you’re not just focusing on their shortcomings.

2. Stop being a Control-Freak

Leave that to his mother. If you’re dating an adult, then he’s fully capable of managing his own life. It’s not your job to control every situation in the relationship. Dealing with a controlling person is stressful and draining.

Women tend to become control freaks when they are afraid that things would fall apart or that they would lose the people they love. When you start to act like this, check if there are actually any valid reasons for such worries. Relax and enjoy some time alone. You do need to drop that little miss perfect hat and just enjoy the ride.

3. Nagging is not an effective Way of communicating

It is a negative stereotype that women are naggers. So, you also need to be aware if you are indeed nagging or if your man is just saying so to trivialize your request. Nagging leads to nothing because the more you nag, the more they refuse to listen. Remember, you are trying to understand how to keep a man happy – nagging is on of the best and fastest way to make him be unhappy!

However, if there’s nothing wrong with the way you communicate and you’re still not getting a good response from your partner, then you probably need to rethink your relationship.

4. Unreasonable Jealousy is your one-way Ticket to Singledom

A little jealousy can be quite healthy; some evolutionary psychologists would suggest that jealousy helps us keep our partners because we become more aware of potential threats to the relationship. Moreover, if a person doesn’t get jealous of a rival even if he has obvious reasons to, then he may not be really invested in the relationship.

On the other hand, unreasonable jealousy is unhealthy. If you are chronically accusing your partner of baseless suspicions, confront every women that gets close to him, and everything you do just pushes him further away, then that is the kind of jealousy you should avoid.

5. Your Mother was right when she said, “You can’t change a Man!”

The worst assumption most women make is that they can change a man. Unless they get into a spiritual awakening or experience some sort of epiphany, a man’s character traits can’t be changed. It doesn’t mean you can’t help in improving their attitude or personality, but be wary of the red flags when you just started dating. Some traits are just so deeply ingrained in them; like an armor that’s tough to crack.

Your man is his own individual, which means you can’t mold him to your idea of a perfect man. You may find that some of his habits are annoying, but you need to be aware that you have your own set of quirks and negative traits. Let him part his hair to the right for crying out loud! As long as he is not hurting you (emotionally and physically) or himself, tolerate it or move on.

6. Keep the Passion alive

You are interested in learning how to make a guy fall in love with you? Intimacy doesn’t only mean sex, although the latter is also very important. Men are stereotyped to have only one thing in mind – sex. The truth is, they also crave for a deeper connection. Non-sexual touching, flirting, or just spending a lazy Saturday afternoon streaming your favorite TV shows can help in not letting the novelty wear off.

Always find a way to spend time together. Surprise each other with spontaneous date night ideas. Routine is part of any relationship, but it doesn’t have to be boring. As a matter of fact, being spontaneous can be one of the biggest turn ons for guys, be it with an “innocent” suggestion like grabbing a bite to eat or catching his favorite movie on Netflix, or be it when women are spontaneous when it comes to being intimate.

A healthy relationship is when both of you are happy and satisfied; love him deeply, but don’t sacrifice your own happiness to make him stay. If you’re with a man who knows how to treat you right, then he deserves all the pampering and attention you can give.