Enchant Him

What makes a Man fall in Love – 5 Tips to get him hooked!

What makes a Man fall in Love?!

Most of time, it’s all about timing. You’ve met at the right time, and he’s looking for someone exactly like you and you live happily ever after. But sure you know some women, an acquaintance, a friend of a friend, who just happen to attract men easily. Being beautiful can spell the difference, but it’s not all there is to it. In fact, I’ve seen so many average looking girls in college, who have pretty boys following them like dogs. So then – what makes a man fall in love, you wonder.

what makes a man fall in loveThere are certain qualities a woman may possess that make a man interested, and enough for them to fall in love.

You think you don’t have these qualities? Don’t fret. Each man is different, and you’ll never know the specific qualities that will make them fall in love with you.

If you’re honest and true to yourself, with a dash of confidence, you’re good to go. You won’t probably attract every man you want, but you will attract the right man. Here are our top five aspects you should work on in order to up your chances, significantly.

  1. Be the Exception

  2. Share your Interests and your Goals

  3. Be observant and thoughtful

  4. Show him your Humanity

  5. Don’t show him that you’re all his

1. Be the Exception

You wonder what makes a man fall in love? Be the exception is a big one! I remember this boy I met online. It was when Yahoo messenger was still a thing. Our usual, casual chat became interesting when I started talking about my favorite video games (mostly hack & slash and shooter games), which he also liked.

When he realized I also have some knowledge about computers and other techie stuff (he didn’t know my ex was an IT), he became even more interested in talking to me. He even invited me out on a date. He said I don’t look like someone who likes such boring stuff.

The moral of my little rendezvous is that in order to pique a man’s interest, show him your uniqueness. Don’t give him what he expects. Sometimes the things you find weird about yourself, mean a lot to another person. When you’re someone who doesn’t just follow the crowd blindly, it will impress him.

2. Share your Interests and your Goals

There’s something profoundly wonderful in seeing someone talk about things he or she is passionate about. Men love women who strive to get somewhere or gain something. It can be in the form of hobbies, ambitions or world-changing dreams – he wants to know that you’re someone who has varied interests and that you are committed in reaching your goals.

When there’s a lot going on in your life, and you enjoy what you do – when you’re not someone who only focuses on looking for a potential mate – to a man’s eyes, you are more interesting and much more attractive that way.

Also read: How to ask a Friend out – a great Start to get the Conversation going.

3. Be observant and thoughtful

Men like it when you pay attention, especially if you pay attention to them. Treat them with an honest compliment or two. Do it in front of others, and you will light their hearts on fire. Mention something unique about them, things other people don’t usually notice and he will find you endearing. Spending good times together creates good memories, and he will always associate these feel good vibes with you.

Give him simple, personalized things that show him you remembered him. It can be a note or a small meaningful gift – what’s important is that he knows you also think of him.


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Check out this free presentation for the secrets on how to virtually ‘addict him’ to you!


4. Show him your Humanity

You know the saying, kindness trumps everything? Humanity is not just about being human. It can be many things, and it depends on what you believe in. And it’s also something we extend on other non-human creatures like animals and the environment. It means caring for other people and empowering them. It’s helping those who are in need whether they can repay you or not. If your values coincide with these things, then it’s only natural for a man to fall in love with you.

Also read: How to make a Man Love You

5. Don’t show him that you’re all his

It’s not as simple as playing hard to get, men don’t want that. What men want are women who have a life. It means you’re not someone who’d just go off with the fist guy who comes knocking because you’re busy doing your own thing. You like this guy, I get it, but while you’re savoring the time you have with him, don’t forget that your life and your happiness should come first.

So if you want to make sure you understand what makes a man fall in love, then don’t change your plans for him. And don’t be too available. You don’t want to be the kind of woman who waits desperately for a phone call, and answers every text the minute it arrives. By showing him that you’re completely his, without even analyzing if he’s worth it, you’re sending off a signal that you’re just desperate for a relationship.

Don’t let answering the question of what makes a man fall in love with you take over your life. Instead, focus on yourself and fill your life with things that you enjoy doing and goals that you want to accomplish. Spend time with friends and create new experiences. Ultimately, any sane, confident man is doing the same thing, so why shouldn’t you?

Also recommended: How to make someone fall in Love with You again?!

How to keep a Man interested – for a lasting Relationship

How To Keep A Man Interested

Do you wonder how to keep a man interested? Whether you already ‘have’ the man of your dreams on your side or you’re attempting to become closer to this guy, there are many way to keep a man interested. If serious relationship is your goal, a stronger foundation is generally necessary to foster a happy and healthy relationship. Don’t be too upfront in showing that you need a boyfriend, just keep a mental note of your goal and create a committed mindset.

how to keep a man interestedIf you’re already a couple and you hope to make the love lasts, you can learn from others.

Successful couples aren’t born overnight. It’s the fruit of constant effort, unwavering patience, trust and mutual respect. Some people are just so compatible that they click no matter the odds. For the rest of us, it may entail some hard work. Follow these five rules and you will be well on your way to keep him into your relationship.

  1. Never stop being curious about each other

  2. Keep old Baggage in the Trash

  3. Don’t let him be responsible for your Happiness

  4. Have a healthy sexual Relationship

  5. Treat him as your Partner and your Equal

Keeping your man interested and keeping your man happy is not a guarantee that he will not stray, but it can deepen the bond you have and hopefully, will make him value your relationship that he will not do anything that will ruin it.

Creating a happy, fun and loving environment, where you both respect each other and protect each other’s well-being is important for your relationship to grow strong. To get there and ultimately in order to understand how to keep a man interested, continue reading the tips below.

1. Never stop being curious about each other

Attraction stops when mystery fades. Sad but true. If your relationship is just based on attraction, expect it to fizzle out once you’ve grown familiar with each other. Although effective communication is important, it will also be beneficial to keep some things to yourself. It’s not synonymous to being dishonest or keeping secrets that will hurt the relationship. It means not spilling everything about you in one go.

Get him interested in discovering you. It’s like undressing slowly – it builds anticipation. Every time he discovers little bits of interesting information about you, the more he’ll crave to know more. Simply put, don’t lay all your cards down.

Being somewhat closed-up an keeping a few secrets to yourself is usually also a great little trick when it comes to how to make him worry about losing you.

2. Keep old Baggage in the Trash

A very important advice to follow when learning how to keep a man interested is to not let the past dictate your future. If you’ve dated a player before and you’re scared the next guy might turn out to be just like him, it’s not fair to you and your man.

A lot of relationships turn sour because we are so hung up with the past. If the old ghosts from your past are still haunting you, you shouldn’t have started a new relationship in the first place. Seek professional help if you can’t still move on from a failed relationship.

Don’t compare him to your past boyfriends and don’t throw baseless suspicions just because of your instincts. A man won’t be interested to commit to a woman who is just half-there. Give the relationship the full attention it deserves. Of course, be mindful of possible red flags, but don’t create problems that aren’t there.

3. Don’t let him be responsible for your Happiness

If you keep a little space between you, where you can both grow individually, you are showing him that  your happiness is not dependent of him. The relationship will not feel burdensome and he will look at you as a woman who is in control of herself.
A man wants to work hard to get something, but he doesn’t want it to just be pure hard work. In the long run, it will make him question if you are worth it. By showing him that you are responsible for your own happiness, the more he would want for you to need him.
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Watch this free video presentation on how to become more attractive to men in no time!


4. Have a healthy sexual Relationship

If you are both not into this, just skip to the next tip. If you’re still reading, you probably understand that sex is an important part of a romantic relationship. A great sexual life is not based on the frequency, but on the quality of the intimacy. Doing the act when you both want it is the key. Don’t pay attention to couples who constantly brag about ‘doing it’ three or more times a day.

It can be once a week or once a month, as long as it’s a wonderful experience you both enjoy and look forward to. Be open and talk about each other’s needs in bed. Show him that you’re willing to know about his fantasies and don’t be shy to tell him yours.

5. Treat him as your Partner and your Equal

Men desire women who love and appreciate them. One of the easiest ways of learning how to keep a man interested is therefore to show him that he can rely on you. Listen to his problems without judgment. Offer to pay for your dinner date or have your share of the bill. Surprise him with tickets of his favorite game. These small gestures will make him feel that you are invested in the relationship and that you’re in it for the long haul.

Read also: What You should do when You feel he pulls away from You

How to let go of Someone You Love – 5 Steps to help heal

How to let go of Someone You Love?

Even in amicable separations, letting go is a struggle. The idea of losing a once magical life behind – all the good memories and beautiful moments – is scary for the most of us. At first sight, there simply appears to be no way you will ever be able to learn how to let go of someone you love.

When there are feelings left for that person, the situation is even worse. It often feels like it is impossible to cut ties completely. And then there’s that small hope that maybe, just maybe, there might still be a second chance to reconnect down the road.

how to let go of someone you love
Allow me to tell you first that you are not alone in this journey, and that your feelings of deep pain and despair are all valid. Almost everyone who’s been in that situation has felt the same. If only I can forget him, you’d say.

But moving on isn’t just about forgetting. You don’t even have to force yourself to stop loving someone. Time is the best healer, but though it can’t heal all wounds, it can make those wounds less painful. So, give yourself time. And when you are really ready to let him go, let these five steps help you.

  1. Cut off all Communication

  2. Allow yourself to grieve

  3. Let go of the Fantasy

  4. Accept that it’s okay to still have Feelings for that Person

  5. Love yourself and let yourself be loved

1. Cut off all Communication

Being friends with your ex is not a sign of maturity. You are the “best friend” that you need at this difficult time. You are not obliged to keep in contact just to save your face or to not look bitter in front of your friends. Protecting yourself is what’s important. Shielding yourself from everything that will only cause you more pain and throw you out of balance. That is a sign of maturity.

If your ex keeps contacting you, just let him know that you want to keep your distance at the moment. You don’t need to disappear completely and you don’t owe him an explanation why you need space, but he will most likely get the message and respect your decision if you just politely tell him so.

It doesn’t mean you can’t be good friends again. But friends protect each other and look for each other’s welfare, and your breakup only proves that’s a questionable thing already. Perhaps when you are both fully healed, you can forgive and be friends.

2. Allow yourself to grieve

Understand that grieve is an important part of understanding how to let go of someone you love. There’s nothing undignified in letting yourself wallow in your sea of pain, at least at the first few months of the breakup. There’s no shortcut to healing. We all have to go through this hellish phase. Blast those sad love songs while you’re eating a whole tub of ice cream, it’s up to you. Cry all you want. No one’s stopping you.

Suppressing the pain and pretending you are not hurt will only prolong the healing process. You have the right to choose how to cope from this experience, but know that this is temporary. Treat yourself with kindness because you’re the only one who can pull yourself out of this mess.

3. Let go of the Fantasy

It’s hard to accept that it’s over. We often cling to the good memories and tell ourselves that it would have ended differently if we did this and that. We want a second chance to make it work again. But it’s only because we form an idea of a near-perfect relationship in our heads that we can’t let go of. In reality, this relationship doesn’t exist. And it’s what keeps us stuck in the fantasy we created.

Think of all the painful memories, the bad fights, everything from your past relationship that brought you pain, write it down and read it over to yourself. Reflect on these moments and remember how you’ve felt at that time. Look deeply into that relationship of yours; see it for what it is and realize why it has to end.

Recommended: Bible Verses about Relationships

4. Accept that it’s okay to still have Feelings for that Person

Sometimes we can never really stop loving a person. And many women also ask themselves questions like “Should I get back with me Ex?!” Every person we meet, especially the one that plays a significant role in our lives, has somehow changed us. They gave us the gift of love and let us experience how it is to be loved. It’s a wonderful feeling and it’s normal to still have a spot for them in our hearts.

A related issue is also how to get over being cheated on. Understand that here as well, it is ok to still have feelings for that person, even if he may have been unfaithful to you. Do not blame yourself for your feelings.

5. Love yourself and let yourself be loved

What may be the most important lesson to learn in how to let go of someone you love is to actually rebuild yourself by letting go of the negative feelings, self-doubt and criticism that keep on replaying in your head. You are worthy to be loved again, and by a man who knows how to treat you right. But in order to understand how to let go of someone you love, you really must be able to love yourself, first.

Treat this moment as an opportunity to get to know yourself deeply and discover what makes you genuinely happy. Give yourself the love that you’ve always wanted to have, with or without a man by your side. Although, a new love, who knows, can be a welcome distraction.

Recommended Reading: Getting over Your Ex

How to keep a Man happy – for a better Relationship

How to keep a Man happy – nurturing a happy and lasting Relationship

We are all complex individuals with different needs and expectations from our relationships. Sometimes it feels like men are hard to decode, but just like women, they want love and intimacy. Understanding what makes a man happy and ultimately also how to keep a man happy will help a great deal in nurturing a happy and lasting relationship.

how to keep a man happyOur following general guidelines on the question of “how to keep a man happy” can’t guarantee that your love will last, for you can’t force someone who doesn’t want to stay.

But they will definitely help you identify if you’re contributing in making a healthy relationship or if you’re only making it worse.

  1. Shower him with Praises

  2. Stop being a Control-Freak

  3. Nagging is not an effective Way of communicating

  4. Unreasonable Jealousy is your one-way Ticket to Singledom

  5. Your Mother was right when she said, “You can’t change a Man!”

  6. Keep the Passion alive

1. Shower him with Praises

One of the best relationship advice for women when it comes to answering the question of how to keep a man happy, is to actually frequently make your man a few good compliments. Good compliments can rev up your man like a well-oiled machine. They boost their self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves, and as a result, men are more likely to treat you better to validate your appreciation. Not that you should expect something in return. Give honest praises and you’ll see them smiling from ear to ear. Make them feel that you are perceptive of their efforts, and that you’re not just focusing on their shortcomings.

2. Stop being a Control-Freak

Leave that to his mother. If you’re dating an adult, then he’s fully capable of managing his own life. It’s not your job to control every situation in the relationship. Dealing with a controlling person is stressful and draining.

Women tend to become control freaks when they are afraid that things would fall apart or that they would lose the people they love. When you start to act like this, check if there are actually any valid reasons for such worries. Relax and enjoy some time alone. You do need to drop that little miss perfect hat and just enjoy the ride.

3. Nagging is not an effective Way of communicating

It is a negative stereotype that women are naggers. So, you also need to be aware if you are indeed nagging or if your man is just saying so to trivialize your request. Nagging leads to nothing because the more you nag, the more they refuse to listen. Remember, you are trying to understand how to keep a man happy – nagging is on of the best and fastest way to make him be unhappy!

However, if there’s nothing wrong with the way you communicate and you’re still not getting a good response from your partner, then you probably need to rethink your relationship.

4. Unreasonable Jealousy is your one-way Ticket to Singledom

A little jealousy can be quite healthy; some evolutionary psychologists would suggest that jealousy helps us keep our partners because we become more aware of potential threats to the relationship. Moreover, if a person doesn’t get jealous of a rival even if he has obvious reasons to, then he may not be really invested in the relationship.

On the other hand, unreasonable jealousy is unhealthy. If you are chronically accusing your partner of baseless suspicions, confront every women that gets close to him, and everything you do just pushes him further away, then that is the kind of jealousy you should avoid.

5. Your Mother was right when she said, “You can’t change a Man!”

The worst assumption most women make is that they can change a man. Unless they get into a spiritual awakening or experience some sort of epiphany, a man’s character traits can’t be changed. It doesn’t mean you can’t help in improving their attitude or personality, but be wary of the red flags when you just started dating. Some traits are just so deeply ingrained in them; like an armor that’s tough to crack.

Your man is his own individual, which means you can’t mold him to your idea of a perfect man. You may find that some of his habits are annoying, but you need to be aware that you have your own set of quirks and negative traits. Let him part his hair to the right for crying out loud! As long as he is not hurting you (emotionally and physically) or himself, tolerate it or move on.

6. Keep the Passion alive

You are interested in learning how to make a guy fall in love with you? Intimacy doesn’t only mean sex, although the latter is also very important. Men are stereotyped to have only one thing in mind – sex. The truth is, they also crave for a deeper connection. Non-sexual touching, flirting, or just spending a lazy Saturday afternoon streaming your favorite TV shows can help in not letting the novelty wear off.

Always find a way to spend time together. Surprise each other with spontaneous date night ideas. Routine is part of any relationship, but it doesn’t have to be boring. As a matter of fact, being spontaneous can be one of the biggest turn ons for guys, be it with an “innocent” suggestion like grabbing a bite to eat or catching his favorite movie on Netflix, or be it when women are spontaneous when it comes to being intimate.

A healthy relationship is when both of you are happy and satisfied; love him deeply, but don’t sacrifice your own happiness to make him stay. If you’re with a man who knows how to treat you right, then he deserves all the pampering and attention you can give.

Things To Do With Your Boyfriend – 25 Fun Activities

Things To Do With Your Boyfriend

Not sure what things to do with your boyfriend? Look no further! There are so many fun things to try with your favorite guy – if you have the time. If you are both busy, workaholic individuals, always try to assign at least one day a week or even a few hours to do simple activities together.

things to do with your boyfriend

It is über-important to spend quality time with your boyfriend, so seize the day and don’t let a minute go to waste.

The curated list below is composed of fun and simple couple activities that won’t break the bank, so you can’t use the “no money” excuse.

1. Give him a Massage

This is one of the top things to do with your boyfriend. It can be so powerful to actually make a man fall in love with you as it will make him feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

2. Play Video Games

Make it more challenging – the loser will get to pay for dinner.

3. Movie Night or TV Show Marathon

Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Stranger Things or the latest HBO flick – Westworld – be a couch potato together, this time without the guilt.

a list of fun to-do items for couples

4. Couple Workout

Motivation is the hardest part of getting fit. Nothing can motivate you more effectively than knowing you get to spend the day with your man.

5. Scrap Booking

He probably won’t like it and that’s understandable. So, make it more fun and unconventional. Try digital scrap booking; include a lot of selfies and couple photos, à la Instagram. Add animations and videos if you’re into that.

6. Cook Dinner Together

Number six on our list of things to do with your boyfriend is real “food for the soul” because you both put time and effort into making it.

7. Have a fun Photo Shoot

Play dress-up like you’re going to attend a cosplay. You can ask a friend who’s into photography, or do it yourself using a tripod. Borrow some gear, or any digital camera will do.

8. Do Body Painting

It’s sensual, fun, artistic and exciting; he’ll definitely like it!

9. Read a book and discuss it

If he’s not a book reader then try comic books. Make a book club for two. Coffee or tea is a great accompaniment.

10. Home Makeover

It can be your house or his if you’re not living together. You’ll form a bond and will even get to save money that way.

11. Hike in the Wild

Of course follow safety precautions. Always give your destination to your trusted family or friends before leaving.

12. Star Gazing

It’s a good sideline activity for number 11 from this list. Stars are more visible away from city lights. But you can also use a home telescope and stay on the rooftop.

13. Get a free or cheap Tarot Reading

You’ll never know until you try. It can be fun and unusual, just keep an open mind. There are websites offering free online reading, make fun of the results. I know you will.

14. Watch a Sunrise or Sunset together

This never gets old. Aside from being romantic, you’ll appreciate the beauty of nature even more.

15. Snowball Fights

For a little adrenaline rush. If it’s not winter, then any ball game would do.

16. Watch a Game together

It’s good if you like watching sports. If you don’t like sports, a little sacrifice won’t hurt. Watch and cheer for his favorite team.

video presentation on exciting stuff to do with your boyfriend

Watch this free presentation on making him go absolutely crazy for you just by the right choice of words!

17. Play the Best Food Hunt

Think of a meal or delicacy, say, cheesecake and then look for restaurants that offer cheesecake; agree on who serves the best version. Of course, it could take months before you reach a conclusion.

18. Take a Hot Bath Together

With candlelight, wine or champagne. It’s up to you what happens next.

19. Create a “Couple” Bucket List

List the things you want to do and places you want to visit together. Make a pact to follow through on the list.

20. Play a Sexy Game like Striptease Poker

Any card or board game will do. Wear your sexy lingerie.

21. Enroll in a Language Course

This will help if you’re doing number 19 from our list, and you plan on traveling to foreign countries. Learn Spanish and immerse yourself in the culture when you visit this country.

22. Volunteer

This is my favorite thing. You strengthen your relationship by helping other people.

23. Teach each other Something

There are probably skills you’re good at that you can share with your boyfriend. Like how to make a blog, how to prepare cool drinks, how to organize your home, and a lot more.

24. Make a Playlist for each other

Create a playlist of your favorite songs, include guilty pleasures. Ask him to do the same, then exchange playlist.

25. Watch YouTube Videos of funny Animals all Day

You can never stop at one video, believe me, I’ve tried.

How To Make A Guy Like You – Enchant Him Now!

How To Make A Guy Like You?!

It may sound silly, but how to make a guy like you is a fairly common question – most women have asked themselves this question at least once in their lives.

You meet this cute and interesting guy and there goes the million-dollar question, “How can I make this guy to like me?”

how to make a guy like you

First, you need to be likeable, or at least noticeable. I’m not saying here that you need to be ultra-pretty with a supermodel body. Instead, confidence is the key!

And of course, don’t forget to look presentable, wear appropriate clothes
and practice good hygiene.

Why are these important? Because you can be plain Jane, but if you know how to take care good care of yourself and how to act with confidence at all times, you will eventually attract the right person.

Imagine if you looked like someone straight from a horror movie, the guy will definitely notice you, but in a negative way.  Now, on to our life-saving tips on how to get a guy to like you:

  1. Don’t act desperate

  2. Learn the science behind attraction

  3. Give him occasional compliments

  4. Exude a positive and fun vibe

  5. Get to know his interests

  6. Engage in adrenaline-pumping activities

  7. Final thoughts on how to make a guy like you

1. Don’t act Desperate

What guys need to sense from you is confidence and not desperation. So, anything blatantly, over-the-top, or begging for attention will definitely kill it.

You want to know how to be irresistible to a man? Ignore him – at least initially. If there’s a good opportunity for interaction, grab it, but be subtle about it. Don’t make it look like you’ve planned for it all your life.

Most guys would know if you’re interested; especially the alpha males. The good-looking, self-assured guys know they can make heads turn; don’t give them what they expect. In order to be irresistible to a man, you need to be different – because that’s what will make him curious about you. If you really can’t help checking him out, do so discreetly. Don’t stare at him from across the table!

Still don’t know how to be subtle? Check our second advice on how to make a guy like you.

simple tips on how to make him like you

2. Learn the Science behind Attraction

Believe it or not, even the scientific world is researching the secret behind attraction. Like many other scientists, a human sexuality professor at Syracuse University, Dr. Joe Fanelli believes there are scientific explanations as to why we are attracted to a certain person.

There are body language or love signals that convey our attraction to someone, and we can use these to our own advantage.

For example, batting your eyelashes is not just a trick to look cute. Science suggests that we blink faster when we are emotionally excited, which gives a signal that we are interested in someone. Also, a person leans towards someone who is important to them. Remember these body signals the next time you have the chance to talk to him.

3. Give him Occasional Compliments

Guys love it! I can’t stress this point enough. Every one of us needs a little pat on the back for a job well done. You don’t need to wait for an occasion to congratulate him for a win. You can simply compliment his looks or his interests without being creepy.

Try, “That hairstyle suits you. Have you had a haircut?” Or, “I didn’t know you’re good at drawing; I really admire artistic people!”

4. Exude a Positive and Fun Vibe

This is like making a statement that says, “This is what you will get if you’re with me.”

It’s true that some people are attracted to the complicated, the mentally unstable, or the “crazy” ones with a lot of emotional baggage.

But the majority of guys always look for the fun, easygoing type. Wondering how to get a guy to ask you out and then how to get a guy to like you? Talk about fun things or plan group activities together, just don’t overdo it.

free video presentation on becoming incredibly attractive to men

Watch this free video presentation on how to become more attractive to men in no time!

5. Get to know His Interests

This gives him the impression that you are interested in knowing more about him, or that you’re interested in connecting with him more deeply and by doing so learning how to keep a man interested. It also shows that you are not self-absorbed and that you want to know and listen to other people rather than talk about yourself non-stop.

If you get a man to talk about his passions and the things that he loves, it will make him feel excited and it will lighten his mood. He will subconsciously associate that great feeling with you, making him want to talk to you again.

6. Engage in Adrenaline-Pumping Activities

Unless this is not his cup of tea, any activities that generate excitement can do the trick. It can be as simple as playing memory and brain games, paintball, bumper car riding or for the really adventurous – bungee jumping.

According to Dr. Fanelli, “Excitement generates a level of attractiveness.” Any experience that produces excitement can mimic the feeling of being aroused. Two people engaging in these activities may find each other attractive.

7. Final Thoughts on How to Make a Guy Like You

Take all the above tips on “how to make a guy like you” with a grain of salt. Ultimately, it’s still a case-to-case basis when it comes to attraction. If he still ends up not showing interest, don’t sweat it. You are unique and you have a lot to offer. The right person is probably somewhere reading articles like this too.

How to be irresistible to Men – make him hunt you!

Become the irresistible Woman that Men pursue

Overall, it is not very difficult for women to make guys appreciate and like them. And with the proper strategies applied, a woman can also easily learn how to be irresistible to men, in general.

The way to become irresistible to men is to improve yourself, in particular your personality. It is your personality that is the basic tool to rule over their minds. how to be irresistible to men

You will need to accentuate each of your strong points while gradually reducing your weak points.

Please take note that it is definitely not true that only beautiful girls with the looks similar to celebrities can gain proper attention from guys.

Instead, the main key to being irresistible to men is to present yourself with confidence and with an open, positive attitude.

9 great Tips on how to be irresistible to Men

  1. Have Confidence in your Femininity

  2. Smile and laugh

  3. Make Eye Contact

  4. It’s okay to let them know you need them

  5. Know how to accept Defeat gracefully

  6. Show off your unique Personality

  7. Be good to Others

  8. Act sexy

  9. Use Your Sense of Humor

1. Have Confidence in your Femininity

You’ve probably heard or read a lot of advice about having confidence in yourself as a way how to be attractive to the other gender. We’re going to take things a step farther by specifically giving you one of the aspects of your life to be confident about.

In this case, concentrate on being more feminine. Embrace the fact that you’re a woman. Cherish it. And most importantly of all, enjoy being a woman. You’re entitled to be feminine so go ahead and take advantage of that right.

2. Smile and laugh

Some girls do not know how or when to smile. It’s such a shame though since a smile is easily one of the best ways to get you to be irresistible to guys.

There are many different kinds of smiles you can use to attract guys. There’s the polite smile which works great if you’re feeling a little shy. There is also the come hither, the flirtatious smile if you’re feeling extra bold. There’s the “we-share-the-same-pain” smile which can also act as a great ice breaker.

As long as you keep smiling (genuinely, that is), you’ll have no problem reeling guys in. Also, laughter may be the best medicine, but it is also a great technique to attract men. Nowadays, guys are more comfortable with girls who have a sense of humor. They are easily attracted to women who know just how to have fun with their friends.

And if you want to make him smile in turn – a great way to make him feel really attracted to you as he will perceive you as a happy and positive person, check out these ideas on some texts to make him smile. Sometimes, all it takes to make him smile is a short text message to him! And there are always endless things to talk about with a guy (or send him a text about), that would get him excited about you.

3. Make Eye Contact

Another great way on how to be irresistible to men is making eye contact. Sometimes stronger than a spoken word, eye contact has the power to convey all sorts of messages.

In this way, it is quite similar to the smile. Making eye contact with a guy lets him know that you have noticed him and that you’re interested in him. Holding your gaze and curving your lips into a smile is practically an open invitation for a proper introduction. Such confidence is alluring to men, and they won’t be able to keep themselves from approaching you after that.

4. It’s okay to let them know you need them

Becoming irresistible to men also has a lot to do with learning how to understand a man. If you want to become irresistible to the man of your choice, try lowering your pride a bit and let him know when you need him.

This does not mean you have to be all needy and clingy. That’s taking things too far. Simply put, you just have to act naturally and let a guy know when you’d appreciate his manly help. You shouldn’t deny the fact that you’re a woman and as such, there are things that men can do more easily than a woman might be able to.

Also Read: How Guys fall in Love with You

5. Know how to accept Defeat gracefully

Keep in mind that even though you might be able to learn all the tips and tricks in the world in order to master how to be irresistible to men, that does not automatically mean you’ll be the ideal woman for every guy.

There will always be instances where a man may still turn you down. Make sure you understand you’re not always being turned down because you may not be attractive in the eyes of the man in question. It could simply be because the guy’s already committed to, or in love with someone else, or for any other reason outside your realm of influence.

6. Show off your unique Personality

Often, men are attracted to a woman because she might look like his mother or because they are similar to his ex-girlfriend.

However, understand that men find women with unique personalities absolutely irresistible. Therefore, if you want to put a special mark in his mind and heart, you have to show off your unique personality. Think of your best characteristics that other women don’t have and use it to attract men.

7. Be good to Others

Show him how kind and nice you are to other people. Men will ignore and even completely forget about women who nag, insult and make fun of others.

Because men are drawn to women who they believe of they will never hurt them and who they believe of that they know how to take care of them. Men, therefore are strongly drawn to women who are genuinely nice to others. You do not have to be an angel to do this, but you need to learn how to respect others no matter what they’re color and race is.

8. Act sexy

Do you know how to flirt? If you want men to like and love you like crazy, you need to know the art of flirting. Flirting can be simply defined as acting sexy – talking, walking, and smiling sexily.

However, be very careful with putting this to work. Men might think that you are looking for somebody who will either invite you to his place or somebody you can invite to your place. Always know your own limits and never come across as trying too hard.

9. Use Your Sense of Humor

Showing a good sense of humor can be one of the biggest turn ons for guys. Men want somebody who will listen to them and somebody who will share jokes with them. If you have a great sense of humor, you no longer need to think about how to be irresistible to men, you already possess a great character trait that you can use to your advantage.

Further Reading: How to tell if a Guy likes You

How to make a Guy miss you – 10 surefire Ways

Tips on how to make a guy miss you – 10 Ways to make him long for you

Do you want to know how to make a guy miss you more when the two of you are not together? It may be just a petty fight between the two of you, or it may be as serious as a breakup. Or he may be taking you for granted, and you’re sick of it. how to make a guy miss you

No matter what the reason is, a guy will miss you if he’s given a chance.

There are more than enough ways to make yourself irresistible to your man, but here are 10 surefire ways on how to make a guy miss you:

  1. Don’t give him a Call or connect with him

  2. Give him and yourself some Space

  3. Leave Something of yours behind

  4. Have a lot of Self-control

  5. Be out of his Sight for Weeks

  6. Call and say good Night

  7. Show emotional Stability

  8. Have a Hobby

  9. Control yourself

  10. Do not be a ‘Yes’ Woman

1. Don’t give him a Call or connect with him

You need him to feel your absence and if you call him or connect with him in any way that purpose is defeated. Even if you want to tell him that he means nothing to you or that he’s going to regret his decision, don’t. Don’t involve emotions and it will have the right impact.

2. Give him and yourself some Space

Do not be around each other too much. If he gets to see you every single hour of every single day, then nothing in this article about how to make a guy miss you more will help you. Be there when your man needs you, but don’t be too clingy.

3. Leave Something of yours behind

Leave something of yours strategically behind. It’s one of the best ways to serve as a reminder of you.

Be naughty or nice, the choice is yours…a single earring form a pair, a set of keys, the book you have been reading or lingerie…all serve as warm reminders that make a man miss you and make him look forward to meeting you again.

4. Have a lot of Self-control

The moment you have decided to stop being needy, you should also have to make sure you gain a lot of self-control. This is the only way that you won’t lose focus of you goal – which is to make him miss you.

If you are having a hard time stopping yourself from clinging to your man, then share your goal (to have self-control) with some of your friends. These people will serve as your anchor each time you’re itching to contact your man.

5. Be out of his Sight for Weeks

One thing you can do is to not show yourself to him. Make him wonder where you are after a few days of not seeing you. It wouldn’t come as a surprise that he’d be calling you just to make sure you’re alright.

And the next time he sees you, he might just jump with joy and give you an I-miss-you-so-much hug.

6. Call and say good Night

You wonder how to make a guy fall in love with you? At the end of the day give him a call and simply say “good night”. People are loneliest at night, and this gesture of yours will warm his heart and make him want to be with you even more.

7. Show emotional Stability

There are many things that can drive your man away. Being too emotional or childish are two of them. Men need to be around people who are fun and emotionally stimulating in a positive way. This is why he goes out and hangs with his friends as soon as the two of you fight.

8. Have a Hobby

Give yourself time to engage in fun activities and the things you love doing. If you want your man to miss you, make him see that you’re doing well enough when he’s not around.

9. Control yourself

It is normal for a lady to be expressive, particularly with regards to her feelings for the person she loves. Let him know that you cherish him and that you miss him, but don’t go saying it every time you get the chance.

When he feels that you’re holding back, he will make an effort to spend some quality time with you.

10. Do not be a ‘Yes’ Woman

Every once in a while, say ‘no’ to your guy. Has he invited you for a last-minute date? Don’t go. Is he calling you after a long while of ignoring you? Don’t pick up. Do not be his doormat. Play hard to get, and he will try, try and try to get you.

Further Reading: How to make a Guy like You

How to make someone fall in Love with you again

How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You Again

Please note: this guide is not intended to show how to make someone fall in love with you again for those who have been emotionally or physically abused by their partners. If that is the case, you should never try to get back with that person.

Relationships break for a plethora of reasons; it only takes one person to stop trying for it to start crumbling down. how to make someone fall in love with you again

The most important thing in this whole process is to recover from the breakup. So, focus on these two main points if you want to make someone fall in love with you again (1) Survive the breakup, and (2) Be the kind of person he wants without losing yourself.

In the following we will be going over five essential steps you need to follow when trying to figure out what to do after he pulled away and how to make him fall for you again.

  1. Follow the “no-Contact” Rule

  2. Understand why the Relationship ended

  3. Focus on improving yourself

  4. Initiate casual Conversation

  5. Be the Prize to be Won

1. Follow the “no-Contact” Rule

Acting desperate is a no-no! The more you cling to him, sending drunk texts and making excuses to see him, the more he will try to stay away from you. Don’t call him, and don’t stalk his social media accounts; everything in there will just make you more miserable. Besides, if the relationship has not actually ended yet, but you feel his love has vanished as compared to when the both of you started out together, limiting contact to him is a great way when wondering how make him worry about loosing you, which is usually a good way to get his attention right back to where you want it to be – with you!

There are times when cutting all connections may not be possible for your situation, say, you have a child or you’re working out of the same office. Just try to act natural and civil; don’t get angry or he will take it as a sign that you’re still having a hard time dealing with the breakup. Never give him the power to see you at your worst state.

2. Understand why the Relationship ended

It is important to know why your relationship ended, so you can gauge your chances of getting him to love you again. Men, in general, are afraid to hurt women’s feelings, so even though you were given a reason for the breakup, it may not be closer to the truth. “It seems like the relationship is going nowhere,” could actually mean, he doesn’t find you attractive anymore.

If the reasons are not clear to you, reflect on all the events that happened leading to the breakup. What made your man fall in love with you to begin with? And when did you start to notice him trying to pull away? It will give you clues on what added to the demise of the relationship and how it could be avoided the next time around. After your soul-searching, and you still want him back, then proceed with the next steps.

3. Focus on improving yourself

Don’t make the mistake of forgetting all about yourself by focusing solely and too hard on answering how to make someone fall in love with you again! A little brush-up on your looks and personality won’t hurt. In fact, it will even boost your confidence. Get that long overdue-haircut; change your hair color; update your wardrobe; learn a new language and do yoga.

The possibilities are endless, especially now that you have all the time in the world to do the things you’ve been wanting to do.

A woman who is sure of herself, who doesn’t need to seek validation from other people is remarkably powerful and attractive. Live your life in a way that lets your inner beauty shine through, and you can do that by doing things that make you happy.

4. Initiate casual Conversation

You can start opening up communication with your ex in many different ways, but one of the easiest and least risky ways is through a short text message. You have to be in control of the conversation, and the topic has to be something that is interesting to him so it will be almost impossible for him not to respond. Always end the conversation first, but end it with a good note.

The Big Don’ts:

•    Don’t expect this to be the one text that will change everything
•    Do not send passive-aggressive or one-word texts
•    Don’t send long messages
•    Don’t mention wanting to meet him
•    Do not bombard him with messages if he doesn’t reply back

Example of a good first contact message:

Hi, I just passed by this coffee shop we used to hang out, and I thought of you. I hope you’re doing great.
The example above is an appropriate first contact message: it’s friendly, unassuming and it brings back good, old memories.

5. Be unattainable

It’s deeply embedded in the human psyche – we always want what we can’t have. I don’t mean being a nasty bitch or a diva. But being unattainable means you don’t just settle for anything less, and you don’t lower your standards to please other people.

Ever heard the saying: “The girl who gets the guy has to be willing to lose the guy”? This, right here, is important because it translates to giving value to yourself. A woman with self-respect will not beg for someone’s attention when they clearly don’t want to be with her.

If you have already built your ex’s interest, you can drop subtle hints that you’re open or already trying to see other men. The key here is to be subtle about it, and don’t make it look like you’re jumping from one guy to the next. This will show him that you’re comfortable of your own skin, and that your happiness does not depend on him.

How to make someone fall in Love with you again – avoid the common Pitfalls for a good Chance

No matter what people are telling you, there is no surefire way to learn how to make someone fall in love with you again. And sometimes the sad truth is that you might have to actually learn how to let go of someone you love. But if you know how to avoid the common pitfalls after a breakup and how to deal with your ex the right way – you have a big chance of rekindling that romance. Even though the process could be long and tedious.

Recommended Reading: How to pull him back when he pulls away

How to Get a Guy to Commit – Yes, that CAN be done!

How to Get a Guy to Commit

So, you met this man, and he makes you feel all sorts of things. You think you have great chemistry, and everything has been going well for years. Except one thing – he is noncommittal and you are starting to think you may never be able to figure it out: how to get a guy to commit.

how to get a man to commitSome books about men, written by men, will tell you that the male species, just like women, want to be in a committed relationship, but they don’t want to feel being hooked.

Basically, it just wants to tell you that men don’t want to feel pressured into settling down. But who can wait forever when trying to figure out how to make a guy fall in love with you?

Be careful what you wish for

You can get any man to commit, says every self-help book about the topic. But, I guess, there are men who are just not ready to give up their freedom – no matter how many years you’ve been together.

I’ve dated a man before who blatantly told me right from the get-go that he doesn’t believe in marriage. I should’ve packed my things and left, but what is it about women and their need to “fix” broken men?

The key here is understanding if yours is a hopeless case. Some men just won’t commit to you, and, believe me, no amount of somersaulting in bed can change that.

Your man may also be confused if you’re the right girl for him. That sucks to hear because why would he choose to date you, and stay with you for years if he’s not connecting to you on a deeper level?

Well, some guys do need a little Nudge to get their Act together. And here’s how you help him realize that you’re worth it:

  1. Pique his interest

  2. Always look your best

  3. Show him your World doesn’t revolve around him

  4. Be a supportive Partner

  5. Stop trying to make him commit

1. Pique his interest

The top rule to follow in understanding how to get a guy to commit is to always present yourself as the grand prize, not the consolation prize.

Don’t be someone a man just resorts to because you’re the only one available 24/7 to cater to his needs. Let your uniqueness stand out. Don’t tell him everything about you; don’t give him a rundown of how your daily routine goes. Let him wonder. Wait for him to ask questions, and slowly indulge him.

Women are highly emotional beings, and we tend to share all our feelings, our dreams and fears to our partners. There’s nothing wrong about that. But being an open book doesn’t always work in our favor. It’s all about the mystery; I’m sure you’ve heard that before.

2. Always look your best

Looking your best doesn’t mean looking perfect. It simply means highlighting your assets. Choose clothes that are appropriate to your body type; hair color that matches the color of your eyes; wear makeup that accentuates your facial features and so on. Hygiene is very important, too. I shouldn’t really have to mention that, but there are people who are not so particular with the basics.

3. Show him your World doesn’t revolve around him

When there’s nothing interesting going on with your life, the tendency is to focus on that one person (or thing) who makes your life exciting.  A man knows that he is the center of your world because there are no other things to keep you busy, and that doesn’t make him feel valuable. In fact, he will only feel trapped.

Pretending is pathetic. What you need to do is to find the things you enjoy doing and then do them. Even introverted people have certain activities that interest them.

Look for like-minded individuals or hobbyists; join groups that share your interests. It doesn’t just make you an admirable woman who is in control of her life. It will also help you become a well-rounded person.

4. Be a supportive Partner

Always be appreciative of the little things he does for you. It will encourage him to do the right thing. Resolve your conflicts by polite and affectionate talks.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. You’d be surprised to know how many of these little annoyances can easily be ignored if we stop obsessing about them. This is not to say you are not allowed to get angry, but you should always avoid shouting, calling names and finger pointing.

5. Stop trying to make him commit

Our last advice on understanding how to get a guy to commit is to make sure you don’t out-rightly ‘scare’ him away. Many men suffer from actual fear of commitment, also called commitment phobia.

The word marriage is almost always a red flag when used at the early stage of the relationship. We sometimes get too excited meeting a man who is husband-material that we are quick to drop hints of raising kids or having that beautiful house by the beach.

This is sure to freak him out, especially if your relationship is not yet stable.
So, are you going to tell him you’re not the marrying type? No. According to Dr. Ian K. Smith, author of the book – The Truth About Men, “The stealth approach almost always works better than tackling this issue head-on. Coming at it sideways won’t scare your man, and he will be more inclined to participate…”

The stealth approach could be an innocent comment about a certain celebrity’s wedding or a friend’s engagement party you need to attend.

How to get a guy to commit – A short Note on Commitment and honest Relationships

Commitment is not a title. It won’t miraculously make your relationship perfect. Remember that if you are truly compatible with your man, there would be no scheming, plotting or evaluating on your part. Everything will fall into place because you both know what you want in the relationship.

Also read: How to get a Guy to marry You